Monday, August 14, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 4, 2017

This out of work B+ list actress/writer is hanging out not doing much. Recently she went off on a rant on a company. It turns out, the company looked at security camera footage which covers an immense number of angles. Although, they company couldn’t be sure the incident didn’t take place, they were sure the actress was not where she said she was located. Not anywhere near it.

Lena Dunham


  1. Rocky2:46 AM

    I can't stand this loud mouth troll face gash.

  2. sandybrook2:56 AM

    Based on the date of this this has to be her vs. American Airlines and her tweets about the flight delay.

  3. Renshaw4:32 AM

    She's not a credible person. One day she'll be devoured by wolves.

  4. Do Tell4:53 AM

    Atrocious doesn't even begin to describe her.

  5. Do Tell4:54 AM

    Well, once they taste her they will run away yelping.

  6. Barbara RiceHand7:07 AM

    The fact that she was willing to lie and risk people losing their jobs is awful. I'm still mad about the dog incident and this just adds so much to that.

  7. enamel7:30 AM

    nah, too much fat not enough protein. it would be a shit meal.

  8. enamel7:32 AM

    the fact that this woman can still have fans after the odell thing, the DOGS where she said a shelter LIED, and now this. Seriously???

    Im convinced her fans are just women/gay men that see her as their surrogate. its gross. she always is the lead of every piece she's ever made, before fame and after. Its such a testament to her narcissism. Shes one of those girls who was smart but super bitter she wasnt the center of attention, plus a chip on her shoulder about her weight/looks.

    I wish she would just disappear. give us that gift

  9. Mumba7:44 AM

    She is scum.

  10. I think Lena and Mindy might be the same person.

  11. Girls is over, she is over. End of story.

  12. zerooptions1:14 PM

    Don't forget that incident she wrote about in her book.

  13. Siliconlifeform7:40 AM

    This mentally unstable warthog needs to go away already.

  14. ....because an anonymous source to a gossip blog is more credible than a lunatic celeb..? Sheesh ppl do believe what they want to be true...

  15. SnarkIsFun7:19 AM

    That's an insult to warthogs . . .
