Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 25, 2017

A drunk in need of rehab is how most people described this A+ list mostly movie actor/part-time director this past weekend. He is just a mess.

Ben Affleck


  1. sandybrook3:32 AM

    It looks like ben and his piece cleaned out a liquor store over the weekend

  2. Exaggerate much? A couple of bottles of zinfandel and a bottle of skinnygirl crap =/= cleaning out a liquor store.

  3. Barbara RiceHand3:50 AM

    Yeah I agree. Alcoholics have no business near alcohol. He also looks a little yellow.

  4. GingerGirl4:58 AM

    Their poor kids!

  5. Nohighhorse5:33 AM

    This tabloid war between Jen and Ben is entertaining to watch but looney as all get out.

  6. mkemg7:45 AM

    anybody and everybody knows that ben affleck is a mess gross drunk but damn, garner is the most deceptive bitch i've ever noticed. her eldest daughter bout to enter her teen years....I remember her talking about getting her 'an old computer just bc all her classmates had one and she didnt bc I didnt want her to see online'

    LOL....good luck keepign that up. talk about a controlling bitch who says she cares about her kids but has no problem playing Tabloid Tag and daily coffee walks smiling

  7. longtimereader2:57 AM

    In the US? yup, in the UK - light refreshment for lunch.
