Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 15, 2017

Studio bosses are getting worried. No, of course they know their movie is going to make money hand over fist, but they are worried this foreign born former franchise actress might say something that would slow that money flow. A new group of several hundred people just discovered what I have been telling you for a year. The actress thinks she is A++ list and expects people to act like it. All those movie roles not offered or offered to someone else because of her being a diva. Normally our actress would be out in front of every media outlet right now but she is only being given a fraction of what she should be handling because of the fear reporters will trash her and the movie if she pulls more diva stunts.

Emma Watson/Beauty And The Beast


  1. sandybrook3:38 AM

    Since it made more than a billion $$ and so did the Harry Potter movies, she probably feels a lot of that has to do with her, whether it is or isn't. We've seen a lot worse from people who haven't been in this many successful movies as she has.

  2. Do Tell4:01 AM

    Emma, people went to see Maleficent in large part because they thought Angelina would do such a good job with the part. In your case, they went to see B&B because of the original movie and play.

  3. LaLaLa5:18 AM

    Uhm? I saw her doing loads of promo and being excessively nice, not acting like a diva at all.

  4. Bend3r8:51 AM

    Harry Potter didn't make money because of her or any other actor. Same can be said about Beauty and the Beast.

  5. sandybrook8:54 AM

    Most movies make money because they are good. Actors get paid like they are the cause of the movie being good and people came to see them. Dumb but thats the system.

  6. Bruce Almighty is Jennifer Aniston's biggest grossing movie by miles over all others she's appeared in, and often used to be cited as evidence of her draw, but no one saw it because of her.

  7. Bend3r12:51 PM

    But it's not the same, an original script like La, La, Land or Passengers that doesn't have any previous fanbase (unlike HP or Beauty and the Beast have) relies much more in its cast to promote the movie, you need them much more to atract people to the theaters. If you are shooting something with a huge fanbase, you really have to screw up with the casting to not capitalize that fanbase.

    Many good movies have been overlooked beacuse they weren't able to atract viewers to the theaters.

  8. She really was the most disappointing thing about Beauty and the Beast. Dull as dishwater.

  9. Bambina12:35 PM

    Emma watson is way too political. It's a turn off.
