Friday, August 18, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 27, 2017

Academy Awards

This B- list mostly movie actress with A+ list name recognition deserves an apology from me. I had no idea she could act as well as she did last night. Almost immediately after arriving on the red carpet her husband informed her the night was about him and to follow his lead and then gave big smirks to the guys with him while he nodded his head. For about three seconds her face had this defeated look and her mouth was going to open to say something, but she shook her head and put on a smile. You could watch her put that smile on and walk to the first stop on the carpet for photos. It was embarrassing and humiliating but for that brief pause she acted like nothing happened. If one had not seen it happen, you would never know it did. So, acting has improved a bunch for her.

Jessica Biel/Justin Timberlake


  1. Never did like the pretentious bitch.
    I mean Justin Timberlake.

  2. sandybrook3:34 AM

    Aww and then she went home to her girlfriend and cuddled and drank some wine.

  3. NoseyNeighbor4:20 AM

    Well, I guess that's the price you pay to have access to fame, money, a small sense of security, and resources. Seems like a pretty big price to pay though.

  4. NoseyNeighbor4:23 AM

    And she's also one of these women who clings to a guy for all of the above. I always remembered the stories I heard about how badly he treated her. She still took it though.

  5. just sayin\'4:30 AM

    girl's got serious acting chops. her new series "the sinner" is going to win her some awards.

  6. Simon4:39 AM

    I think she's great in the sinner!

  7. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:26 AM

    Apart from the fact that both lack talent, at least she is/was gorgeous (very hot at least). It is sad that the pretentious dickhair is more recognized.

  8. Robert5:45 AM

    please she looks like a teen age boy

  9. Simply Nana5:50 AM

    They were together long enough to know exactly what the deal was when they got married...and did it anyway.

  10. Barbara Robinson6:12 AM


  11. Guesser6:23 AM

    You left out being in the closet. Since she was a marginal actress ,coming out might have helped her.

  12. Guesser6:25 AM

    Plus 1000, he treated Britney a d Janet like crap too, acting like a victim.

  13. AppleThief4Elliot11:50 AM

    Thought this was going to be Anna Farris. Glad it wasn't.

  14. Stacey1:37 PM

    Some girls are just desperate to marry. I remember when she waited and waited for years for him to propose. She even had her dad talk to him. They ended up breaking up and next thing you know they were engaged. The ultimatum usually blows up in your face down the line.
    The only problem I have with this story...was enty or one of the spies standing right next to them to over hear this conversation? Or maybe Jessica purposely reported this herself?? If true, it's just sad all the way around. He probably feels threatened by her come back.

  15. Stacey1:42 PM

    I've worked with her and she's 100% straight and never played in the lady pond, unless it was an acting gig.

  16. Random1013:25 PM

    +100000000 Now he is spreading rumours that there is going to be a collaboration with BrtiBrit coz how else will he get back to being get attention. If it was not for her i would not even know his name. He would be one of the NSync boys..... whose names i dont know but i know they are from NSync. I guess i would call him the one with the bad hair or the one with the high voice.

  17. .Hot Cola7:48 AM

    Rip his heart out throgh his wallet! Jessica!

  18. .Hot Cola7:50 AM


  19. That's why he married her. Too soon?
