Saturday, August 05, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 31, 2017

This soon to be superhero in his very own movie actor who is probably B+ without it was probably on about a three day bender while doing press for an ensemble movie featuring his character. That 3 days also did not include a shower as reporters all noticed.

Jason Momoa


  1. just sayin\'3:55 AM

    yawn. perfect example of a celebrity who was much more appealing before we found out what he's really like.

  2. NoseyNeighbor5:10 AM

    I can understand doing a bender at home. Some of us have had those types of staycations. I can even understand going a few days without taking a shower because you're at home and doing a bender. However, for the love of God and all the people that have to interact with you, please take a shower!!!! It's 5 minutes of your time! You have 5 minutes to spare and there's no excuse for it. You're grown men!!! Leo, Chris Pine, Matthew M. and now, Jason Momoa.

  3. Sunspirit5:17 AM

    He comes off as a smelly bastard who doesn't wash himself or his clothes.

  4. French girl5:27 AM

    He is married with Lisa Bonnet who was married with Lenny Kravitz who is known like shower's enemy

  5. Bobbi Newhart5:58 AM

    Never saw his appeal anyway.

  6. Brooklyn Girl6:16 AM

    I would do him, even hot and sweaty.

  7. makeittrain6:31 AM

    you say until you cant breathe while he fucks you its so bad. see: johnny depp.
    jason moma looks like he hasnt showered in 20 years.

  8. makeittrain6:32 AM

    and clogging toilets so bad your neighbors cant live lol and sue you

  9. Actually...6:51 AM

    And yet, Brooklyn Girl and millions like her continue to find his smelliness fascinating, interpreting it as dangerous and/or exciting. Same type of woman (sorry, GIRL) who would write love letters to a serial killer in prison. Go on wasting the best years of your lives on "bad boys", thinking you're so special you'll reform or tame them. Just understand after you hit the wall hard, you'll no longer have the option to be with the kind of guy who could actually make you happy. Immature women deserve every bit of the misery they bring onto themselves, and still somehow manage to blame men for it. Adorable.

  10. Maybe he has a drinking/drug problem.
    He needs help.

  11. Nancer8:32 AM

    I'll gladly volunteer to teach him how to shower properly.

  12. Marlo7:25 PM

    any space in that shower for me?

  13. Marlo7:30 PM

    Oh for fuck's sake, he's just a phantasy!

    I agree that wasting your life on a bad boy is stupid, but nothing wrong with wanting to bang one for a night.
    Marrying and building a family is a whole other issue.

  14. Actually...11:46 PM

    Good point, Marlo. I still think if women ever spent time answering the all-important "Why?", in regards to their well-established fascination with bad boy types (narcissistic sociopaths), they would realize there is no acceptable answer. It's either their need to feel more special than other women at all times ("Look, I tamed the wild animal! I'm better than all of you!"), or a juvenile attraction to pointless emotional drama, or the belief that a man who takes risks will be reckless in how he spends his resources on her. I defy anyone to come up with a reason for this phenomenon that doesn't come from immaturity and/or self-centeredness. And I know many less-intelligent guys will stick with a dumb, crazy, or evil woman because of their hotness, but at least we don't try to convince ourselves that we have the power to change them (the ultimate ego trip).

  15. Women who are only attracted to bad boys and throw their lives away on them, are mostly damaged - that means that you wouldn't want them anyway in the longterm.

    There are plenty of women out there who know when they have a good thing with a nice man, trust me. Maybe you are the one focusing on the wrong girls? ;)

  16. Actually...1:21 AM

    Not at all. Most women make the mistake of thinking if they are different, then the rule doesn't exist. I've been in the dating game long enough, and have dealt with enough women in enough different settings, to know the rule. Even if a woman settles down with a stable/nice/responsible guy, her hormones will be telling her at least once a month that he's boring and she could be doing better (along with her friends telling her the same thing). Studies have been done on this, I'm not making it up. As long as she still thinks she could do better (read: hasn't lost her looks), no husband is ever secure in the marriage. Men earn no equity from the years of work and sacrifice they invest in a relationship, because estrogen tells their wife that as soon as she FEELS differently, none of that matters. And since the laws give her all the power and give the man NO protection, she feels justified in taking all his stuff with her to run off with.... (wait for it).... some "exciting" "manly" bad boy. Go ahead and list all the examples you've known of women choosing a "nice guy" to cheat with. .....(crickets)...

  17. M. Miller2:08 AM

    You're an idiot, and you need therapy.

  18. Marlo2:42 AM

    Wow, I think you're the one who's a bit damaged actually. I know plenty of women who appreciate their lovely husbands, including myself, and don't think at all like you described. 'Studies have shown', don't make me laugh, I AM a woman, married to a non-bad-boy and I think I'm the lucky one, as he's absolutely wonderful, and no way do I think I could do better, especially reading such psychobabble like here now. You think you're a catch with all of those paranoia chips on your shoulder?

    Get a bloody grip for fuck's sake, and man the fuck up, because let me tell you one thing, as a loyal, loving and appreciative woman: no woman wants a whiny insecure cry-baby, who accuses them of infidelity and robbing them blind, BEFORE IT EVEN HAPPENED.

  19. Actually...3:24 AM

    Of course you'd like men to ignore decades of data and life experience, and charge blindly into an illusory vision of love and mutual respect. Otherwise, you'd have to support yourself and take responsibility for your choices! Can't have that, can we?
    Again, your focus is on yourself, and since your self-esteem depends on seeing yourself as unique in all the world, you project that perceived virtue onto other women. This is also called own-group preference, as typical a female trait as they get.
    You don't love your husband, you love the lifestyle and resources he provides for you. If he decided to quit working, as women so often do after marriage, your "love" would dry up very quickly. Also, you're implying that to "man up" is to take the risk of losing everything I've worked for, for the privilege of spending a few years around someone who brings nothing to the table (besides their physical appeal) that any man can't get from his friends. That's something naive little boys do, not men. Ignore the facts all you want, some of us choose to measure the risk vs. the reward and have found marriage to be a rigged game, with no reward for men.
    Also, thanks for resorting to emotional attacks instead of backing your arguments up with logic. You prove me correct with every hysterical outburst.

  20. melissa5:44 AM

    Sorry but adults on 'benders' is so gross. Seriously, grow up, take a shower, get a fucking grip.
    These people would be drug addicted nobodies if they were not masquerading as 'actors'.

  21. Jennifer Low-Rents7:25 AM

    Yeah, I've always thought he looks dirty.

  22. SD auntie11:06 AM

    Momoa is a very bad boy and needs to shower daily. I'll help scrub him down.

  23. Marlo2:51 PM

    "you don't love your husband, you love your lifestyle'

    You don't know me, my husband or my lifestyle.

    You are absolutely pathetic, paranoid and frankly, psychotic.

    And honestly, after reading your insane accusatory rants, I'm congratulating any woman who has dumped you, or not even entertained the option of going out with you. You're one sad motherfucker, who is so not with a good woman.

    YOU are the problem.

  24. D. Albertson12:01 AM

    Judge much, Mike Judge?

  25. ParkerInTheShade4:40 AM

    Half the shit on this site isnt real. Some of yall take it entirely too serious. This is supposed to be fun. Its not a platform for you to attack people bc you dont agree.

  26. who cares5:27 AM

    look at his partner, she was always a once in awhile shower type of girl....
