Sunday, August 06, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 31, 2017

To try and keep her network show on the air, this A- list mostly television actress, who is the lead on the show made a commitment to cast and crew she would be easier to get along with. Apparently she finally realized if the show does get canceled so soon after being a hit, the blame is going to fall on her and she might not get another chance for years.

Jaimie Alexander/Blindspot


  1. sandybrook3:04 AM

    The show is not watched because it's ridiculous and that's why it will get cancelled not because of her.

  2. spiffypaws3:25 AM

    It's still on the air?!

  3. texasrose4:42 AM

    That show jumped the shark last season. It should be cancelled.

  4. texasrose4:44 AM

    Blacklist jumped the shark a couple of seasons ago and the only thing keeping it on air is James Spader's presence. She doesn't have close to his appeal/chops.

  5. Patrick10:52 PM

    Completely accurate. But the perception will be that the face of the show is too blame, and that is her.

  6. texasrose10:03 AM

    Hey Jamie stay out of the comments sections!!
