Thursday, August 10, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits

#1 - Now that his MTV show is off the air, this closeted B+ list mostly television actor needs to stay front and center. Already has his beard game working and tabloids are dying to know who his new "girlfriend" is.

#2 - A lot of freaking out. A lot. There are so many videos of male A list directors and actors and producers and others having sex with men that are held by one man. Well, that man is on the verge of being arrested and the people in the videos and what they are doing and saying will be leaked. The thing is there are videos dating back to the days of VHS all the way through to cloud storage and there is no way every single file will be deleted or found before police raid the guy.

#3 - He isn't dating the reality star. I think we can all be assured of that. The problem for this A list NBA player is that his girlfriend has no idea that the player got a very good friend of the reality star pregnant.



  1. MontanaMarriott3:14 AM

    2. The investigation of the male escort who died at the home of Ed Buck, the Democratic donor?

  2. sandybrook3:17 AM

    1- Tyler Posey?
    3--Chandler Parsons and that Chrisley bitch

  3. Barbara RiceHand3:23 AM

    #3 Kendall Jenner in the news 'dating' nba player

  4. sandybrook3:30 AM

    Damn I missed this one! she's dating Blake Griffin???? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

  5. longtimereader3:30 AM

    Blake griffin apparently A$ap rocky is on the D.L.

  6. Salaam3:42 AM

    That is a crazy story - he has been dead for over two weeks, and only now are details coming out. And a well known, big money'd Democratic donor, who is friends with Clinton, Jerry Brown and many other politicians. Who gets his rocks off injecting poor black male sex workers with speed, and watching them get higher and higher.

    If this was a rich Republican, I have no doubt CNN and the WaPo would have been all over this story five minutes after the corpse was removed from Ed Buck's home. Instead, it is two weeks later and only the DM is covering it.

  7. Lurky McLurkster3:48 AM


  8. OB......4:01 AM

    @Salaam people on here get pissed about mentions of media bias favouring the Dems but you are absolutely right. This sounds like a big story and this is the first I've heard about it. Wow

  9. Do Tell4:07 AM

    Howard Stern had the right idea. If you tell the public everything, there's nothing anyone can hold over your head. Well, except for when the other radio jock (Mancow?) revealed that Howard cheated on his first wife.

  10. French girl4:09 AM

    1/ Buck only gave less $3,000 to Democrats.
    2/DM just copied WeHoTimes article and they only knew the story because Buck was a collaborator and friend of WeHo News

  11. Salaam4:11 AM

    Some of the bias allegations can be a little overblown, but I don't see how you can deny it is a factor here. How does a dead sex worker, who died from a drug overdose at the home of a multi-millionaire go unreported for two weeks?

  12. hothotheat4:16 AM

    The Birdcage just came to mind.

  13. fairy floss4:20 AM

    Buck was not a big donor by any means. tho keep trying.

  14. fairy floss4:21 AM

    I really hope bryan singer is one of the directors that gets busted. fuck that guy. hope his career ends.

  15. fairy floss4:21 AM

    you think people wont frame shit? please, you have no idea. the truth can be all out there, and ppl will still find ways to make shit up.

  16. Salaam4:48 AM

    Actually, Buck gave $32,500 to D's in 2016.

  17. nancer4:57 AM

    call ray donovan!! STAT!

  18. Shhhhhh5:12 AM

    He is very much on the dl

  19. This relates way back to Democratic Donors gettting caught in Pony Ring Escort service in Virginia way back in early 1990's.

  20. Lurky McLurkster5:50 AM

    He is wealthy. He has given money to the Democratic party. What are you trying to dispute?

  21. Patrick6:20 AM

    No, TMZ crushed that story. She and him were part of a very large group of people out together. Those two just happened to walk out to their cab together, and it looked like they were together. Footage of the rest of the non-celebs somehow never made it onto various web sites.
    Blake has a baby-momma, of two of his kids (same baby-cannon that Matt Leinert used). Knocking up one of KJ's friends would be big news.

  22. uyykki7:04 AM

    If this was a big Republican you and Fox News wouldn't care about it. And I doubt anyone forced that guy to do drugs....

  23. uyykki7:06 AM

    "How does a dead sex worker, who died from a drug overdose at the home of a multi-millionaire go unreported for two weeks?"

    Multimillionaires are as common as dirt in America. You are making this into an issue because you are a biased Repuglican. If you want to see bias, look at how Faux News barely covered the Dennis Hastert scandal.

  24. I'd throw all my wishes in the well for that one!

  25. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley11:30 AM

    Fox News asked me in to do a pilot. But I'd already done an astronaut and a cook that morning, and even I can only handle so much in one day.

  26. #3 Khloe kardashian and tristan thompson, boom

  27. Sd auntie1:39 PM

    Me too. How'd I miss this?...

  28. Simon1:39 PM

    Howard never cheated on his first wife.

  29. JabroniMaloney1:53 PM

    It could be him but it could also be Victor Salva, dude is detestable slime

  30. JabroniMaloney2:14 PM

    Fucking for REAL, I dunno who these people are fooling. A lot of the coverage from those right wing sources has been widely homophobic as well, with a lot of disrespect shown towards the victim. But these people suddenly care about gay people, only when it conveniences them:

  31. JabroniMaloney2:15 PM

    You said he was a big time donor. He donated maybe like 3,000 dollars, which does not make him big time at all. Get real.


  32. Random1012:52 PM

    No2, do people even realise that there are going to be videos of LEO?? Its going to get super ugly!!
