Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Your Turn

From a reader

What pets do you have?


  1. Gator3:00 AM

    A gator, what else?

  2. sandybrook3:02 AM

    No pets..

  3. Scandi Sanskrit3:04 AM

    Two Nintendogs. A husky named Moreno and a golden retriever named Petra (named after the policewoman from the Taxi franchise). They have tons of flees...

  4. just sayin\'3:09 AM

    down to a mere 5 dogs. 3 pomeranians, an aussie-border collie mix and a golden retriever mix.

  5. Brooklyn Girl3:10 AM

    None. I can't even take care of myself.

  6. Merlindbear3:17 AM

    I am staff for 4 felines. Cleopatra, Queen of Denial, (16 but you'd never know it); Sharky Boo Boo (4 years old); Elvira Mistress of the Dark (1.5 years old) and Astarte Goddess of the Light (7 months old).

  7. Marianne3:24 AM

    I have the most sweet kind loving golden retriever Sunny Boo Boo the Bunny dog. Also the loudest gorgeous blue tic coonhound Molly aka pot pie.
    I just had to put down my beautiful gray main coon cat Chub Chubs just the other day. RIP Chubs

  8. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley3:26 AM

    I have a rescue dog, his name is Houdini. He's a labracadabrador.

  9. 2 dogs
    A wolf/husky and a Chihuahua/mini doberman.

  10. I wish everyone was this self-aware.

  11. I have a yellow lab/golden retriever mix, a calico and just adopted a little black kitten last month. Man did I forget how naughty kittens can be!

  12. Barbara RiceHand3:57 AM

    Haha fleas are the worst. I have 7 indoor/outdoor cats and 4 doggies. The oldest dog is almost 17 and the love of my life. Just the most special person I've ever met.

  13. hothotheat4:14 AM

    1 dog - corgi/ACD mix and 1 large tabby/white cat. Both old (14 and 11 respectively).

  14. cebii4:17 AM

    Two standard poodles, a lab/hound mix and a leopard gecko.

  15. BadgeBunny4:17 AM

    I rescued a beautiful, smart, loving Golden Retreiver from the local Humane Society. Some jerk poured battery acid on her when she was a puppy. She was in bad shape but I fell in love instantly. I am so lucky to have my Gracie!
    I also have a 40 yr. old California Desert Tortoise that I found on the side of the road in my neighborhood. He tootles around the yard and basks in the sun. Love him too!

  16. Alistdiva4:19 AM

    1 dog, a beagle. I got a cat in middle school, and had her for 22 years, but she just died in January.

  17. zerooptions4:29 AM

    4 parakeets and two obnoxious calico kittens that now own everything i got.

  18. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley4:32 AM

    A chihuahua/Doberman? That reminds me of the night I had a threesome with Peter Dinklage and Geena Davis.

  19. Lolmom4:49 AM

    Our "zoo" (excluding the kids):
    1 mutt
    1 cat
    1 betta fish
    2 goldfish
    Various breeds of shrimp
    6 hens - 2 old biddies @ 6 y/o (still laying eggs btw) & 4 new babies

  20. Marlo5:13 AM

    A miniature schnauzer called Golda, after Meir.

    Story: when I was a student I shared a flat with 2 guys who had a pet snake called Albert. It was quite beautiful a ball python, very friendly, they'd buy a mouse at the pet store every couple of weeks to feed it.
    One night we all went out clubbing, and had an after party at our place, we all went to sleep wasted, and the next morning the snake was gone, the terrarium top was left open.
    We looked everywhere for it but couldn't find it.
    3 weeks passed, we went out clubbing again, and when we returned, there was a big firetruck in front of our building and a police car.
    Some poor lady had found Albert in her toilet when she went to use it in the middle of the night!

    We felt terrible, but admitted nothing.

  21. AndrewBW5:16 AM

    A dog, part pug and part fox terrier. He looks like a puggle except that he's a bit taller and a bit thinner. His name is Eddie, which fits him perfectly.

  22. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:19 AM

    A fly has been inside my house for a couple of days (goddamn summer), and I have not been able to smash it yet. That is the only thing I can call a pet in my home.

  23. hakunafrittata5:36 AM

    They don't live very long, so please, enjoy the time you have left together.

  24. hakunafrittata5:36 AM

    One dog and one cat.

  25. WickedBee5:54 AM

    Indoor pets: 2 old biddy cats, 1 Cavalier King Charles spaniel pup.
    Outdoor pets: 28 laying hens, 3 breeding rabbits and their 18 offspring, 5 hives of bees, 1 old cow, 1 rescued horse, 1 llama, 3 pygmy goats, and a Partridge in a Pear tree.

  26. Siliconlifeform6:35 AM

    bunnies are so cute.

  27. Siliconlifeform6:36 AM

    Is your husky argumentative?

  28. Gator girl6:40 AM

    Two shih tzus, brother and sister, that are smart and funny and sweet and the light of my day

  29. Brooklyn Girl7:13 AM

    Thanks, Dena

  30. 5 Cats (rescue), 1 puppy (was my moms) and a giant tank of fish. Would love to have a goat, bird, chickens and a pony.

  31. Westie dog Archie (7 y.o.): smart, cute, funny & stubborn (just like me), friendly, lovable (just not like me)...
    Calico cat Patty (10+ y.o., adopted): smart, loud, funny(w/o any sense of humor), sneaky, beautiful, elegant, lovable...
    30+ plants (6 trees included)...

  32. A dog (mutt) who is 11. Lost two cats recently to old age and disease

  33. Dtown3010:23 AM

    2 cats, 1 tortoise, 1 toad, 1 lizard, 2 frogs, 1 middle school boy... we just lost our 10yr old Golden Retriever last week, to cancer ?

  34. Dtown3010:23 AM

    I'm sorry for your losses:(

  35. Dtown3010:26 AM

    We have a Maine Coon also, he's such a cool cat. I'm sorry for your loss.

  36. spiffypaws11:01 AM

    a netherland dwarf rabbit. he is litter box trained and allowed to run free in part of our home that has been bunny proofed.

  37. anon.411:32 AM

    2 House Rabbits-an adorable male Lionhead, and a female Florida who beats up the Lionhead when he comes to close to her food. Mostly litter-boxed trained, unless they are fighting over territory, and run around the family room keeping us amused. Plus, their litter box contents are great for gardening.

  38. Fairylights12:30 PM

    Two sweet (adopted) kitties, Allegro and Adagio. At one point, when the kids were home, we had 2 gerbils, 1 dog, 1hamster and 1 French lop bunny.

  39. My calico is Penny, and she's pretty wry, too - she's also a biter and only accepts love on her own terms.

  40. Sorry you lost your cat, but it was lucky to have you for so many years.

  41. Salaam11:01 PM

    Once when we were in college, and had no money at all, we captured a fly, put it in a jar and gave it to one of the girls that lived in the house as a pet/birthday gift. It didn't make it the weekend, but Mezzaluna was a great pet for the 2 days we had her.

  42. Shakey12:03 AM

    An ornery green-cheeked conure. After 4 years she has finally learned gentle means stop biting. She doesn`t like to share. Using the tv remote? That's hers, and she will bite you. Using your smartphone? That's hers, and she will bite you. She bites every time I come near with the nail clippers. But she loves to cuddle ...
