Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Blind Item #1

Don't believe the hype. This former A list singer in a group and solo who is living off her name at this point doesn't want full custody. She doesn't have time for that. She never showed up half the time when they were doing it without court orders for the past 18 months.


  1. Boy, that's a real stumper. Yessireebob, I'm going to have to think long and hard about that one. It sure doesn't sound like anyone I've ever heard of. Wow, I'm just completely flummoxed. I wonder who that could be?

  2. Wouldn't that be a good idea to keep children away from a meth addict?

  3. I read that as math addict and was very confused for a minute.

  4. Josh Duhamel is that handsome and going to be a single dad he's not going to be single for very long.
