Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Blind Item #1

Apparently this permanent A list singer from a permanent A list group was using natural drugs for some shaman ceremonies. This in turn led him to believe he could use stronger drugs again which was idiotic. Now he is hooked again.


  1. Steve Tylers recent medical issue that caused a cancellation of their tour.
    I'm wondering if he'll claim it was Bells Palsy, lupus, or fibromyalgia.

  2. Lyme Disease, @zerooptions.

  3. +1 twinkie. the disease du jour.

  4. Actually, there's a newly diagnosed illness that has been with us for thousands of years but has only recently been named.

    "Cranium Rectumitis" more commonly known as "Head up the ass syndrome" or
    "H.U.T.A.S" (pronounced "who-tass") is probably what a lot of these people
    in the blind items suffer from.

    Dr. Zero
