Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Blind Item #4

The entire night was scripted door to door for this married couple's recent date. It was all done to make sure paps could capture every moment. One thing that changed was that this former A+ list rapper was not supposed to drive. His meds make that very dangerous.


  1. Tricia1312:31 AM


  2. Phanshy1:06 AM

    Kim and Kanye how they can think having another baby is a good idea when he's not right ànd she looks off her face most of the time.

  3. Do Tell3:04 AM

    Kimye: "Who cares if we're endangering pedestrians or anyone else on the road? Did you really think we'd be concerned with that?"

  4. Come on. This is such a train wreck. Kim Kardashian is a prostitute. The only thing she cares about is cocaine and getting a divorce in time for yachting season. Her kids are just paychecks to her.

  5. BlissBoo10:50 AM

    Hi @Lisa, I've never heard anything about Kim being a coke head. Isn't that Khloe's department? Thanks.

  6. billyboy9:39 PM

    +1000 Everyone knows Kanye needs serious psychiatric and medical help

  7. @Blissboo, Hi! Kim Kardashian posted a Snapchat of herself with two lines of cocaine on the tile countertop behind her. I'm sure a quick search will pull it up.

  8. Hortensia10:26 AM

    We never had a follow-up to the Paris "robbery" that was committed by "insiders."
    Was the trash bag banned permanently from Paris by the Parisian authorities?

  9. Wait, what? If this is Kimye why can't Kanye drive; is he on tranquilizers? Full time? I've known people who've taken Lithium (in small doses, obviously) who could drive. I know people who take a cocktail of anti depressants/anti psychotics who can still drive. Why would he be dangerous driving? Every weedhead I have ever met drives (slowly). I'm not saying these rumors about Kanye's medications are unfounded, but if they're true then I guess I am wondering why Kim would have so many kids with this guy knowing the chances of the same psychological disruptions being genetically passed on. I don't think she'd do that so i'm gonna go with this being an exaggeration.
