Friday, September 15, 2017

Blind Item #4

The girlfriend of this closeted B+ list mostly television actress with A+ list name recognition is also her business partner. The business partner has some drug and money issues and her actions are causing the actress some big headaches, including the very real possibility she will be outed during the course of events.


  1. Tricia1312:41 AM

    Jessica Biel/Au Fudge

  2. MontanaMarriott12:42 AM

    B+ with A+ list recognition is usually the description you give us for Katie Holmes. Could this be her?

  3. MontanaMarriott12:44 AM

    Probably Jessica Biel?

  4. This is definitely Biel and her Au Fudge partner/gf in real life. Au Fudge has been accused of stealing half a mil in tips from the waitstaff.

  5. matchless5:47 AM

    jessica biel her business partner and real life girlfriend getting sued for au fudge situation

  6. sandybrook8:15 AM

    Jessica Biel is stealing her help's tips :(

  7. Such a wicked web they weave...

  8. Guesser10:30 AM

    This sounds right,but how is she mostly TV?

  9. Meg00m10:09 PM

    7th Heaven & now The Sinner. Her movie career is C list at best. As most movies have been small or been busts in the box office.her continues name recognition is a forest result of her connection to Timberlake. IMO to what the thought process is behind her rating. :-)

  10. Isn't Jessica biel married to J. Timberlake though? What's the deal there
