Friday, September 15, 2017

Blind Item #9

This A- list reality star has actually made a deal with a momager to split the profits of the business the A- lister is running. He gets a steady income stream as a base courtesy of the momager and she gets half the yachting revenues he is generating with his never ending cast of teens he recruits.


  1. CourtSport3:56 AM

    Scott D and Kris

  2. Vitamin Sea4:27 AM

    Ok.How are all these prostitution rings that are so blatantly obvious NOT busted? Are they paying off the feds too? I mean it's prostitution and human trafficking for pete's sake, not to mention underaged girls. Seriously, either these are bullshit or our federal system is being paid off by the KarTRASHians....

  3. Lurky McLurkster4:36 AM

    Pimpin ain't easy

  4. Lurky McLurkster4:38 AM

    I am not in law but I would think if the transaction happens overseas, nothing the Feds can do unless they can catch dirty money in whatever form coming back into the US.

  5. Do Tell4:49 AM

    Pimp Momma Kris, indeed

  6. Claire5:40 AM

    I did question the yachting saga awhile ago, I read daily mail for my tabloid fix and notice the peeps yachting alone even beibs brings along somebody to do on his trips "alone" it didnt add up with me, i noticed 2 celebs on a yacht who had broke up a good while but they was on the yacht... together.... no rumors off them getting back together no photos of them loved up at the airport - it was very quietly played down, i heard the term payed to play but didnt know the real meaning till i ment Enty ( i mean this site not in person )
    Any ways its kris and maybe french montana

  7. cebii6:06 AM

    true, but wouldn't it still be illegal income for kris and scott? Is the boat registered in the US?

  8. Guesser8:42 AM

    PMK is smart,and the smart ones know enough to coverup with semi legit "jobs", like modeling and appearance fees. They pay the taxes! The age issue,foreign countries are usually younger. They can't even keep up with human trafficking, let alone rich guys with slightly underage models. Besides the fact they take bribes.

  9. .Hot Cola1:07 PM


  10. Marlo5:14 PM

    I find both PMK and Disick revolting, to say the least, but why are ppl here acting like they are kidnapping little girls, tying them up and forcing them to have sex for money?
    These girls are more than willing to do this shit. Nobody is being forced. And they aren't 10 years old.
    If somebody would have offered me drugs and sex for money with old dudes, when I was 16, I would have run the other way, faster than speedy Gonzales.

    Apparently in today's society, personal responsibility and moral values, are not something kids get taught anymore. Where are their parents?

  11. 100% spot on

  12. shutupmeg7:55 PM

    Sorry, I ignore anything with 'momager' or 'kardashian' (even if only remotely related.).
    Never Cared!

  13. If OJ really did write a book exposing Kris, what else could he reveal that we don't already know? This woman is despicable!
