Monday, September 04, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 29, 2017

Rarely have two Teen Mom blinds in a day but since they have been in town, they have been on the radar. This Teen Mom star tried to get a pap to come take some pics but ended up having to pay for them to come out. They would have come without payment but she didn’t know any better so ended up paying and then the pap sold the pics. The pap also said there was a whole lot of tension for what should have been romance photos. A lot of tension. Uncomfortably so.

Jenelle Evans


  1. sandybrook3:00 AM

    If the pap wouldn't come out until she offered to pay him, they wouldn't have come for free. That part makes no sense. And that's what paps do unless they work exclusively for an agency, they pap and sell what they pap.

  2. ZKelz6:04 AM

    Not only did the pix look horribly staged, she looked like a sumo wrestler. Not at all attractive!!

  3. texasrose6:56 AM

    I think 'teen mom' is the first clue as to her intelligence.

  4. Do Tell7:11 AM

    Teen Mom mention = move on to the next item.

  5. marc2stop9:14 AM

    these people are not famous.

  6. Meg00m5:37 AM

    "Nailed it" . yep, it's just as obnoxious to write, as it is to read. But I did. I nailed it. Lol
