Saturday, September 02, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 24, 2017

Maybe there is a language barrier or something but this former A+ list mostly movie actress from a celebrity family is on driver #10 and production assistant #5 on her latest production. Most have quit within the first few days of being assigned to her.

Ashley Judd


  1. nursermk3:12 AM

    When she was a young actress I don' t remember hearing stories about difficulties but she sure seems to be getting angry and bitter in her later years.

  2. Fairylights4:07 AM

    She must be a holy terror to have that much turnover so quickly.

  3. HiHat4:09 AM

    I've heard stories that she's been a horrible human being for years...

  4. Boots4:42 AM

    Mute stones, baby!

  5. texasrose4:56 AM

    Maybe the problem is all the 'little' people out there, not her.

  6. FrenchToast5:02 AM

    She is really horrible. I've had three friends on set with her and she is a sadistic nightmare to deal with! Totally unhinged. And who hired her onto another production anyway lol, she is so over these days.

  7. Whywhywhy???5:06 AM

    There something kind of goop-y about her and she seems mentally unstable to boot! Wonder if she is still married tot the race car driver.

  8. Frufra5:58 AM

    I'm cracking myself up over here thinking about how that set sounds like the current White House - with the right wig, sounds like Ashley's a shoe-in to play 45 in the inevitable tell-all.

  9. Julia Gulia5:59 AM

    Her meds are probably screwed up. She's admitted to mental health issues, and checking in at times for med adjustments.

  10. Melissa7:53 AM

    Nothing new to read here, this crazy bitch and her 'mental issues' have been making misery for years in Hollyweird.
    She never had much of a career anyways, she did a few big films with another big name and she rode her 'looks' for as long as they would take her.
    But the fact she is a bitter, mean and spiteful person is why she no longer works, not her age, her attitude.
    And you would think she would want to adjust that shit accordingly so she can get paid.
    Whatever, her whole vibe is dark and foul, I would pay just to not have to be in her presence.

  11. Dannette10:11 AM

    No, he booted her.

  12. Guesser11:34 AM

    I would agree,but her behavior has gone on for years, this isn't something that just started because of medication problems.

  13. Whatever7:53 PM

    Okay I actually know these people and she's bat shit crazy. Her sister is down to earth. I feel bad for her sister... I'd never have anything to do with my sister if she acted like "Kentucky IQ" is what we called her when she came into my work years ago. Because she acts like her Kentucky education is Harvard.
