Sunday, September 10, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 3, 2017

Apparently this A list mostly movie actress got dumped by some titled UN executive. He went back to his wife so she has been putting on a full court press with her ex. No, not the artist. No, not the who knows what he does guy who lives in Monaco. Her actual ex. The other A lister.

Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt


  1. sandybrook2:46 AM

    Run Brad you look tons better since you left her

  2. Marlo3:37 AM

    Brad blossomed since they broke up. She's psychotic.
    Feel bad for those kids.

  3. AMartel4:41 AM

    So that's where she got the notion that she was going to be Lady Bountiful (D-World). Screwing a UN hack (ooh, but with a TITLE, eyeroll).
    Some of these people are too stupid/naive to live an unscripted life.

  4. zerooptions5:38 AM

    Is there another fake illness on the horizon to draw away attention away from other problems?

  5. who/what are the Monaco/artist references? jeez, I thought I was all current on my jolie gossip.

  6. Sd auntie7:39 AM

    Probably the arms trafficking guy. Wow she is one busy bee. Mother of 6, un meetings, world traveler and banging three different guys in one year. Must be nice

  7. Dannette8:21 AM

    Good for him. Have fun Brad, life is short.

  8. The artist is Julian Schnabel. The UN-guy that there has been rumors about, William Hague, isn't an UN-guy so who knows.

  9. longtimereader3:03 AM

    Hague is a nasty closet case. Plus Ewwww!
