Friday, September 01, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 24, 2017

Apparently one of the many women this foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actor from a big acting family was hooking up with on a regular basis had a pregnancy scare which brought the relationship and others to the attention of this former A+ list tweener turned A-/B+ list singer. It is not like he has ever not cheated because he has from day one.

Liam Hemsworth/Miley Cyrus


  1. sandybrook3:36 AM

    Wasn't there a BI here about them being in an open relationship or taking part in orgies regularly?

  2. Miley3:48 AM

    He may want to pay more attention to his less than stellar acting career.

  3. OB......3:55 AM

    You'd look elsewhere too if your S.O. looked like a next gen member of Alvin and the Chipmunks.

    I'd pay good money to hear her rendition of "Please Christmas Don't Be Late"

  4. enty is full of shit.

  5. SuperCool Manchu7:57 AM

    Big acting family? As far as I know, it's brother Chris, and that's it. Possibly brother #3 trying to get in on the action, but if so, he hasn't broken through yet. More like Big Actor IN Family. Am I missing something here? I thought you had to have a couple of generations and/or several members, (e.g. Fondas--Bridget, Peter, Jane, Henry) to qualify as family. But then again, I keep reading that Enty is flexible/moody with his definitions...

  6. Hannah9:18 AM

    There are 3 Hemsworth children and all 3 are working actors. The least known is the oldest brother, Luke.

  7. SarcasticBimbo9:37 AM

    Yes, it even implied he punched Noah's V-card.

  8. anndie11:29 AM

    If they have an open relationship then who cares.

  9. sandybrook11:37 AM


  10. She is vile and seems clingy so I can't blame him.

  11. Sd Auntie2:22 PM

    Liam has no charisma. Keep on cheating and pack your bags and move back to Australia. Your boring as hell

  12. Sd Auntie2:23 PM


  13. BlissBoo6:56 PM

    Luke busted thru with Westworld.

  14. BlissBoo6:59 PM

    He cheats, she cheats, they all cheat. Sounds like true love to me.
