Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Diana Ross and her daily trip to the grocery store gets the top spot.
Elle Fanning after a workout.
Gwen Stefani and her new artwork for her Christmas record.
Long time no see Helena Bonham Carter.
Jessica Alba in between business meetings.
Kirsten Dunst at the premiere of her new movie.


  1. I'm surprised Diana lowers herself to shop with the peons.

  2. Riiiiight?!?! One would think she had a PA do it for her... Hmmmm maybe s/he is taking the picture.

  3. Bwaha Montana, she always loves the little people who bow to her highness.

  4. To be fair, Ms. Ross deserves the special attention and she looks way better than the decades younger Madonna f'instance.

  5. OMG, Gwen looks like she is channeling Ariane Grande.
