Monday, September 25, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Kyra Sedgewick and Kevin Bacon still making it work.
Irina Shayk and Bradley Cooper still working us.
Jenelle Evans wore white.
Angelina Jolie wants all of you to know she buys National Geographic. If she could have found an Economist or Foreign Policy for sale she would have done that too.
Kate Hudson was blue this morning.
Scott Disick settling down with Sofia Richie for the week.
Kristen Stewart and Stella Maxwell headed to brunch.


  1. Grab dat ass Shayk!
    Jenelle should have worn a tank top and Daisy Dukes to her wedding😣

  2. Angelina's National Geographic magazine could be for her children too. I say that because my parents felt it was enlightening enough (with plentiful colorful pictures) to gift me with a yearly subscription at Christmas every year when I was growing up.

    1. That's sweet. ♥

      My parents got me an animal encyclopaedia and before I became obsessed with whales, I had a phobia of them (I think I still do, FFS).

  3. Remember when Kyra and Kevin were supposed to be divorced because Kevin was a violent drunk? Some of us remember.

  4. Bradley and Iryna, nobody cares about you anymore. Since I have now been proven to not be a robot,add me to the people who hate the comments layout. I know other blogger sites have different ones. I especially hate the Google email connection,I don't want replies there. Google has too much of my business as it is.

  5. Why on Earth would Sophia want to date a man-boy with 3 kids at her age? Other than the drugs, of course.

  6. LMAOOOOOO, Enty you remind me of this:

    Also, what on Earth is on the cover of that edition of NatGeo, what country is that edition from? Isn't the current September's issue's cover story about the "Science of Addiction" with a picture of a fluorescent brain on it? I don't recall NatGeo doing that many covers featuring blonde women like that, in fact one of the few copies I own with a human being on the cover is the one with Afghan Girl from the mid-80's (and that's a collector's item).

    1. It's about Jane Goodall, it's the October issue.

  7. Scott has to embed himself into another famous family since the one he was in is throwing him overboard hopefully the family is a sinking ship anyhow. Does anyone give a shit about Janelle and next season she'll be getting a divorce.

  8. The Economist or Foreign Policy are for morons. Full of hack articles that know nothing about their supposed subject.

  9. @Scandi - that's the issue with Jane Goodall on it. I'm gonna buy it, too. No shame in buying NatGeo!
