Friday, September 29, 2017

Your Turn

From a reader

How do you like your steak/burgers cooked?


  1. Medium rare. I can't eat rare with blood running out and almost raw meat underneath the charred top.

  2. Steak: medium-rare

    Burger: medium-well

  3. Medium. My wife likes hers burned to a crisp. I consider that a mortal sin and think she should repent whenever she goes to confession.

  4. Medium well. Don't eat it very often but when I do...yumm. sorry vegans.

  5. Rare or Medium rare, definitely.

  6. I just started steaming cheeseburgers after I read about a diner in Connecticut that serves them. 4 minutes leaves them pink and juicy. Who would have thought?

  7. Steak - medium rate
    Burger - medium

  8. Both medium well, to the point where the pink disappears, but still leaving the meat juicy. Meat not fully cooked has always made me gag.

  9. Steak needs to be rare with a char on the outside, burgers should be medium well.

    The best way to get a steak right at home is to use a Sous Vide and set to the temp you want (130 F) and leave the meat in the water for more than enough time, then put it in a extra hot cast iron pan for about 30 seconds a side.

  10. I've seen how hamburger meat is made, so well done.
    Steaks it depends on the cut, usually medium to medium rare

  11. Well done for hamburgers, medium well for steaks.

  12. I don't have a preference for burgers (most of the stuff they sell where I live is well done anyway because I live in a Muslim area, if I'm not mistaken it's haram for Muslims to consume mammal blood).

    For steaks, medium-well or well done because I like my sirloin extra chewy. Yummy, juicy sirloin... Hmmm. ♥

  13. Well-done for burgers (that's really just how they come in Canada), medium at a minimum for steak (medium-well to well-done is best for me). Keep your bleeding meat. I like mine cooked.

  14. Knock the horns off and ride it in.
