Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Blind Item #10

I have literally been writing about this former bubblegum pop singer turned actress and her countless failed attempts to have a baby for 6 or 7 years. She has never admitted any of it which is definitely her decision. I just find it interesting she still has not mentioned it but is now talking about adoption.


  1. It's not really a blind Entern, top item on her google

  2. why do you "find it interesting?" it's a deeply personal issue. her show now gives her an opening to discuss adoption publicly, thereby avoiding disclosing any fertility issues. demanding disclosure of infertility to justify her willingness to adopt is invasive and out of line.

  3. I find this BI to be cruel and mean-spirited. Infertility is not just the inability to conceive, it also includes repeated miscarriages and still births. Hey Enty, I know you need traffic, but this is messed up.

  4. This non blind item is written by someone on the outside looking in. Sad. Just freaking weird and creepy for this to be a topic.

  5. This is a seriously woman hating blind item. Shameful.

  6. We have enough people sexually shaming women today.. do we really need to shame a woman over her unwillingness to go on tv and discuss her inability to carry children?
    I also can't have biological children and it's no one's business except mine. Celebs are allowed to keep things private, not everything has to be a teachable/make-me-more relatable moment!

  7. Perhaps with the hopeful new standards in the entertainment industry after the Harvey expose we can make changes to gossip. People willfully doing bad things and treating people unkindly-let’s report that. Things pertaining to peoples actual health that truly should be private, healthcare concerns, let’s let them remain off of the blind items and gossip pages.

  8. To all the weirdos bitching that blind items should be sensitive and politically correct -- get a grip!

    1. I'll get a grip when you get a sense of decency.
