Thursday, October 19, 2017

Blind Item #1

I'm going to give her B+ on the list just because of that hit almost network show that lasted so long. That, and everyone knows her, especially over the past few weeks. What they probably don't know is her pill issues which have multiplied rapidly lately and have left her little time for much else. Those pills combined with the meds for some mental issues have left her in a really bad place.


  1. Rose McGowan/Weinstein scandal

    1. She just cancelled a film festival appearance

  2. Such a shame for whoever, if she's being sent into a downward spiral by the revelations. This must be a hard time for all the women involved in the HW scandal. All the questions are aimed at the victims not the abuser, as usual

  3. opiates taken with anti-depressants are a very, very dangerous mix that can lead to suicidality.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. There was a short time in 2006 when Rose and I traveled in the same circles. There was a rumor then that she had severe panic disorder. Given the time range, she was probably dealing with post-trauma. If I knew, everyone knew. I hope someone is with her because she is having to relive that hell.

  6. Rose is probably the correct answer. But just to be different I'm going to go with Blake Lively. She apparently has serious issues. Did you see that bright yellow outfit the other day? Talk about a cry for help.

  7. hahahaha himmmm! stop! i thought she looked sort of stunning, though it was way over the top for morning in manhattan.
