Friday, October 27, 2017

Blind Item #2

This almost television show had a grand plan to replace every person on the show every couple of years. The thing is though, it appears only the women will be replaced because they don't want to lose the star power of the men. Yeah, that sounds like something that will go over well.


  1. Something on Netflix or Hulu fer sure.

  2. the crown- netflix

  3. Dunno, somehow I don't see Matt Smith playing opposite Olivia Coleman in any believable way.

  4. Whaat?? LMAO, it makes perfect sense hehe

  5. Winona is the star power on Stranger things. Slasher doesn't have any stars although only the male lead remained this season so I am clueless.

  6. The Crown is the show. It wasn't a grand plan to replace all the cast. It's a necessity, to avoid the cast having to act under a ton of ageing makeup. I think they probably just haven't found anyone to replace Matt Smith yet. I can't see him at 35 playing the 7 years older husband of Olivia Coleman, who is 44.
