Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Blind Item #2

The eldest child of this A+ list mostly movie actress went to rehab for two weeks until the actress went and got the child because the actress said she missed the child and wanted the child back home.


  1. A+ List status, a " child " big enough to be in trouble for some addiction..who else is A+ List Actress beyond Jolie?

  2. My 1st thought was Jolie as well. I believe that Maddox has some personality issues brought on by mom, so it could fit. I hope not, she destroys so many.

  3. It all seemed like a great idea, decades ago

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. kids who live in orphanages get screwed up. Kids that are malnurished and/or go through trauma as infants or even pre-natally will likely have related issues for their whole lives. Often, those issues deal with impulse control which leads to drug problems, etc. I don't think Jolie knew all of this, or really believed it when she adopted those three chldren. Love doesn't fix it. You can love them to the moon and back, and they can reciprocate, but they're still going to try that crack pipe because they have no impulse control.

  6. taking your kid out of rehab early is about the stupidest and cruelest thing you can do. take it from the mom of an addict who's dad and "friends" are constantly "rescuing" him.

  7. @cebi .. If this is Jolie the way she's brought those kids up would screw any kid up no matter their background. Given no structure, no rules, allowed to run wild, indulged in their whims, money no object, dragged around the world, no friends, no stability, mother drugged out of her gourd half the time, looked after by a constantly rotating cast of nannies and assistants ... ugh. Any kid would be likely to start dabbling given the lifestyle and example they were set by their mother.

  8. I very hope this isnt true of jolie's family.

  9. Kind of young for rehab. She needs to pay attention and enough of the Bohemian lifestyle

  10. Nothing about Angelina Jolie would surprise me including her "missing" Maddox too much. His weird competition with Brad Pitt? Yuck. That whole drunk Brad, bad dad persona Jolie pushed blew up in her face when he showed up looking the best he has in years at the Golden Globes and got a standing ovation. Clearly, the Hollywood community knew she's the awful, addicted parent not him.

  11. Is it because people are famous that social services do not get involved. I was shocked at how Whitney lived many years ago and wondered why she was allowed to keep her children?

    1. They get involved and have special experienced workers address the allegations. The only difference is the ability to hire shark lawyers.

  12. For another guess: Reese and Ava?

    Every event Reese has attended recently, so has Ava.
    Mostly movie fits Reese with BLL. Angie has done tv in almost 20 years.

  13. Right, because Brad's not a drunk. *eyeroll* Why is it that Angie gets ALL the blame for every single (alleged) thing about her kids? You do realize you're all saying that Brad is completely mindless and impotent in his own life.

  14. well cee kay, i think that is what i'm saying, actually. she's the one that wanted the international house of children, broke up with billy bob when he wouldn't go along with it. she lives in her own private idaho that doesn't seem to be healthy for children or marriages.

  15. Cee Kay Brad admitted he had a drinking problem and is dealing with it. I would pretty much imagine that living with AJ would be enough to drive someone to drink. Can you imagine living in a house with no order, total chaos? I hear there were big differences in how they wanted to raise the kids, he wanted more discipline, she refused. She makes sure she is photographed with one or 2 of the kids at least once a week, that is not a coincidence.

  16. Does Brad ever get to see those kids? Angie's relationship with Maddox is creepy.

  17. Maddox and problematic as his mother Jolie

  18. I just want to say that not all foreign adopted children end up addicted. I adopted my now 18 year old son from Guatemala at the age of 3. He has always been loved and nurtured to the moon and back. He graduated from high school a year early, was accepted to his first choice university, and now attends that school. And he has never had a drink, a drug or a cigarette. How do I know this? Because I trust him completely. He is my son!

    I am also a recovering alcoholic with over 20 years of sobriety and I pray that Maddox gets the help he needs and deserves. Taking him out of rehab early will not serve him well and I hope Ms. Jolie realizes this sooner than later.

  19. Is Angie helping or enabling Maddox? Taking him out of rehab because she misses him is an incredibly selfish thing to do.

    At least Brad had a stable upbringing. I hope he is fighting tooth and nail to get at least partial custody of those kids.
