Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Blind Item #4

A sibling of the subject of #3 needs some money and is apparently going to shop around a sex tape he made of himself and another subject of #3.


  1. Ray-J and the infamous Whitney Houston sex tape. Rumor has it she was high as a kite and was taped unbeknownst to her. Wouldn't that be a crime?

  2. Ray J and Whitney Houston? Just...ewww. Good luck with a buyer for that one.

  3. I don't think Vivid would be interested in dead people's sex tapes. Hopefully anyway.

  4. That is sicck and nobody wants to see it

  5. Just out of curiosity, I wonder how that would work...? How could they get permission to use her likeness? I assume that Vivid buys the video, and then they get her Estate to sign-off on it?? And what happens when her Estate says "F-No!"...? Does he have a work-around to still use the footage?

  6. Poor whitney, it's claimed ray j was around when she died as well. Her family still won't take responsibility for what they did.
