Saturday, October 21, 2017

Blind Item #5

Everyone assumes this OITNB lead actress is gay. I think she likes it that way. It also explains how she has flown under the radar dating this A- list director who spells a common last name very differently than most. She should be careful though because when he is on a set, he has found ways to destroy lots of his previous relationships. That A list director offspring of a permanent A list director can attest to that.


  1. Spike Jones/Sophia Coppola and Francis Ford...
    Ruby Rose I guess

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's Natasha Lyonne.

  4. I think it's Taylor Schilling. Natasha Lyonne dated Fred Armisen (maybe still dates?) so people don't assume she's gay. Taylor has been rumored to be dating Carrie Brownstein in the past, but denied it I think.

    1. Oh right. I saw them together but looks like they were just working on a project together.

  5. Taylor Schilling and Spike Jonze

  6. Taylor Schilling and Spike Jonze. I'd heard they were getting close.
    I don't think Taylor Schilling wants people to think she's gay, since she's never come out as gay. What she's said several times is that she's fluid and has had "very serious relationships with lots of people". So she wants people to know she can fall for anyone.

    Of course people and the media only know of one person she's dated, Carrie Brownstein, which she dated for some months on/off. And her dedicated fans know of another person after Brownstein, a woman: the NYT Style Magazine Entertainment Director, which she dated for a few months.
    So only 2 people in her love life, both women, are known. And media and gossip magazines never speculate about or dig into her love life, or maybe she's so secretive that they can't find anything. Still no rumors.

  7. @Wendy, yeah Natasha Lyonne isn't gay. She's said herself she's straight even though she said she had hoped up with a couple women before. But she and Fred Armisen doesn't seem like a real thing. They probably have an open relationship. Fred Armisen is for a long time known be a terrible person, some calling him sociopathic, and she doesn't seem to be the type to put up with that. Plus she said on a talk show, I believe it was Conan, that she was going to participate in an orgy that didn't materialize and Fred told her to have fun. Given his past with women, including Elisabeth Moss who said what a terrible husband he was, I don't think he & Natasha have a serious thing going on.
