Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 11, 2017

The head of this tabloid show not in any  way affiliated with American Media Group continues to dig their head right into the butt of this A++ lister not named Kardashian. Apparently the head of the tabloid loves that he can call or text any time day or night and talk to the A++ lister.

Harvey Levin(TMZ)/Donald Trump


  1. They both crave the same thing

  2. That levin will eat a mile of shit to kiss someones ass.
    Hey Enty, did you ever find out where the DDOS attacks on the previous website were coming from?
    I've had some suspicions...

  3. Harvey's gay and Trump and his ilk don't approve of his lifestyle and having any sorts of rights. So you got in bed with him Harvey, I hope he fucks you so hard up the ass his weenie comes out of your hypocritical mouth.

  4. Harvey was giddy when the Donald won. Bastard

  5. Gay RepubliKKKlans the definition of an oxymoron.

  6. "Gay RepulicKKKlans are just "morons"..(Possibly on Oxy.)

  7. Why qualify that this host has nothing to do with American Media Group? That's what I want to know.

  8. @shakey, American Media Group is the parent company that owns the National Inquirer and US Weekly. They don't own TMZ or any Harvey Levin's ventures.

  9. They should get along fine - Donald's very pro gay. He was one of the first to congratulate Elton John when he married his boyfriend.

    I can imagine Libtards freaking out though.
