Thursday, October 19, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 8, 2017

Someone who recently had sex with this former Downton Abbey star said the sex was in the dark and one position and the actress never made a sound or said a word. The guy said it was kind of creepy. Yeah, not creepy enough to stop though. My guess is the guy had performance issues because of all the drugs he takes and is trying to make himself look better.

Michelle Dockery


  1. But, hey, as long as we name her, right?

  2. Yea, why isn't he named in this blind - especially if the problems seem to be more his than hers?

  3. Is the guy some street random or a creep that gave her something that sedated her? Why isn't he revealed as well?

  4. Was she conscious or was this rape?

  5. @LooLooEasy : more a ridiculous tiny penis

  6. It's probably hard for her to get in the mood after her husband died, give her a break.

    I do really like her new show Good Behavior, though, she's great in it.

  7. Was this really necessary?

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  10. Wow. Naming her but not him is so uncalled for--unless she's the person who called in the tip. After everything that's happened over the last couple of weeks, too. Why run this?

  11. pretty sure the person you love the most, when they die a month or two before your wedding...that will mess you up. pretty cruel to pass judgment on her when some people never recover. does anybody remember when keanu reeves and his longtime love had a stillborn daughter, and then a few months later his gf/mother of the stillborn baby died in a car wash. ppl need to consider these things and how much they create psychological trauma, often affecting intimacy.

    1. Agree. It may have been the first person she slept with after her fiance's death. No judgement here.
      Actually some judgement: why didn't they name the guy who said it?

    2. I really like your comment beebopcowboy. Empathy is important especially after tragic incidents like those mentioned

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  13. this blind needs to be removed. This isn't some shocking secret, its an intimate detail of someones life, entry, there's no shame (if this was a consensual act) to be cast on Dockery.

    while I'm here I would like to add that in the past, when I have accidentally consented to have sex with a loser, I also act like a corpse waiting for the whole episode to finish.
