Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 18, 2017

This foreign born former A list mostly movie actress can't get any work. None. When your movies don't do well, as long as you promote the hell out of them and everyone likes you, things are all good. Even when you have the history of a huge franchise though, if people don't like you, your movies bomb, and you only want to promote a movie under your terms, than you find yourself out of work. All the talks everyone gave to her made no difference and now she is paying the price.

Emma Watson


  1. She was alright as Hermione but horrific and wooden as Belle.

  2. It's not like she needs to work anyways

  3. Beauty did over a billion at the box office...

  4. She's itching to be Meryl and have A Cause and pronounce wisely from a gilded pedestal. Looking at Meryl, who could blame her? Oh wait....

    1. No artist would wish to be someone else. This was so dumb...

  5. Eye roll at this blind

  6. hat a load of rubbish lol
    shes grossed nearly 2 billion dollars since harry potter ended shes one of the most successful actresses ever from these five years alone. she was attached to batb since 2012.

    Noah was the highest grossing aronofsky film.

    Her belle was actually good, she doesn't do films just because she has always stated she does whatever she wants indie or not. All these watson blinds read as jealous roasties on tumblr. Shes ones of the only good young actresses and she like Radcliffe does what she wants.
