Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Congratulations to Charlotte Church who got married yesterday.
Halle Berry doing a solo thing in LA yesterday.
Hannah and Derek Jeter headed to dinner in Miami.
Iggy Azalea is going to wake up in five years and wonder why she let herself go plastic surgery crazy.
Isabella Cruise moving into her new London home.
Jude Law headed to mime practice.
Katie Holmes with a diy sewing project on her jeans.


  1. People in Miami are afraid Derek Jeter will screw over the Miami Marlins fans and trade away all the good players to save money.

  2. Uh, I think people in Miami are afraid of Derek Jeter for other reasons...

  3. I heart Jude Law. So sexy. IA has a very strange bootie shelf happening, I wonder if this is due to a slipped implant?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh Iggy, what have you done to yourself mate

  6. do we now what LFB's condition is? or is it just substance and enhancements?

  7. Is Iggy's rear end fake? (I ask that seriously, I know nothing about her except her name).

  8. @zerooptions I don't understand?

  9. Besides the herp, the fans wouldn't know that though

  10. Good grief! What is the deal with what Charlotte's husband is wearing?

  11. @FS, yes. Injected and molded fat from whatever part of her body she had lipo done. I mean honestly now, who has a real butt like that? It doesn't fit her body at all. Old pictures of her she had a nice normal butt. She's ruined her uniqueness. Sad.

    @Get off my lawn, LOL! I thought the same thing. At first I thought that he looked like a tree!
