Monday, November 06, 2017

Blind Item #1

These one named permanent A list singers talk a good game about charity and doing their fair share but they both have a long history of evading taxes and hiding their money. From the looks of it they are far more interested in increasing their own wealth than anything else.


  1. Madonna and Adele?

  2. Beyoncé & JayZ

  3. bono and madonna as reveale in the paradise papers.

  4. I think @just sayin' got it.

  5. @just sayin’ : bravo

  6. Yup, those Paradise Papers probably contain a treasure trove of blind item material.

  7. I fucking despise hypocrisy on this level. Fucking Bono and 'give all your money to African orphans, you brainless plebs, while I buy my 20th shopping mall in Eastern Europe' and Madonna who is still in love with a guy who after beating her up, and tying her to a chair, held a gun to her head for an entire night - tells us about women's empowerment. The worst are the millions of morons who worship them like gods. Puke.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Bono Bono Bono Bono Bono

  10. the one that bugs me the most is queen elizabeth -- trying to avoid the taxes of her "realm". so living off of the people for doing nothing but living in luxury and controlling her children's lives, AND hiding assets and not paying all of her taxes. that is sad.

  11. just saying: I'm not a royalist but you sound rather ignorant. Let me explain to you why:
    The British Royals cost the British taxpayer (such as myself) approximately 35 million pounds per year.
    On an average year, tourism linked to anything and everything to do with them, brings in around 80 Million pounds. On special years, such as the jubilee or Kate and Will's wedding, they bring in up to 250 million pounds. Without them, a lot of tourbus operators, hundreds of hotels, guides, thousands of restaurants, souvenir shops and factories, stately homes, and entire villages would have to close shop. Hundreds of thousands of people, would lose their livelihoods. Maybe more.
    In exchange, the Queen visits every motherfucking factory opening, every flower show, every bloody fart in the dust that opens in Britain, and attends the most boring functions known to man, where cringing nobodies cut ribbons and shake hands, and get drunk, she has tea with thousands of idiots whom she'll never remember the name of, because she HAS to, not because she wants to, and she's been doing this for 60+ years, with a smile on her face and blisters on her feet. She WORKS for that money. Everyday this woman does shit she doesn't wanna do. Can you imagine living like this?
    She has worked more in her life, than most of these A+ celebrities put together.
    Now her offspring is another issue, I think they're a bunch of inbred parasites, but that's besides the point. The point is that no matter what they cost us, they bring in considerably more.

  12. Monteverde +1

    And it has to be said that the Queen is unlikely to know the precise ins and outs of all her investments.

    Although it always looks dodgy to the outsider, working through an offshore tax centre is often the best way of managing assets that include overseas property, international image rights and royalties (the financial sort).

    But back to the main theme: yup, more hypocrisy from those who would have us do as they say...

  13. Bono for sure. My second guess would be Madonna.

  14. Agree monteverde. I was born in America but have relatives all over the UK, in both England and Ireland. The Royal family are a huge tourist attraction. I doubt that most citizens who consider themselves too modern for the notion of an 'antiquated' monarchy have bothered to do the math in terms of net income after expenses. It's considerable. As for the parasite offspring, I think William and Kate are a beacon of hope to look forward to that will preserve the order once Charles takes the throne.

  15. Irrespective of how she makes her money, I think the hypocrisy lies in the royal family - whose original purpose was governance and who play some small role in it today - accessing means to pay a lower effective tax rate than the British populace, effectively subverting the law of "their" land. If it is just to manage offshore properties and they're not benefiting from a tax advantage, fine. But I kind of doubt it.

  16. We all know that the less money paid by taxes to government the more money in the hand of society. The governments all over the world are the best at only one thing - the wasting of the money.

  17. Mrs Meat: I agree. I find hard to believe that the Queen has monthly meetings with 'the royal financial advisor'. She has ppl for that, for sure.

    Austin: yes there's still hope in Will and Kate. They seem ok. People are just ignorant, they talk shit and have no clue what they're talking about. The Royal family doesn't bother me, never has. They don't tell me what to believe, whom to vote for, what to think, etc. They provide a service and we pay for it, attracting more money.

    LizOz: Make no mistake about it, most 'land' you speak of - at least in and around London - does now belong to Qatar unfortunately. Mostly sold off by corrupt politicians and the inbred parasitic offspring I spoke of earlier (esp Charles and Andrew). And I'd rather have the British Royals throw their weight around here, than the Qataris.

  18. i take your points monteverde and don't disagree. and of course she probably knows very little about the actual workings of her investments. but for me this falls into the category of "optics". it just doesn't look good. like donald and ivanka trump using foreign factories for much of their retail items. and i can't imagine that working-class brits who support a significant part of her lifestyle (which, back-to-back factory visits aside) is still one hell of a lot nicer than theirs, feel good about her sending money overseas to reduce her own taxes. not looking for a fight, just sayin'.

  19. Considering the economic devastation that Ireland and it's people have endured over the last decade, bono's tax avoidance is morally reprehensible. Also his 'charities' are shady as hell. I always knew there was a good reason i never liked his band.

  20. U2's music is brilliant and I will always like it. However,. the more I learn about Bono, the more bloom comes off the rose.

    Apropos of nothing, I watched his limo pull out of the Madison Square Garden parking lot after a show one night (I hadn't gone to it, I was just walking to the subway) and there were a crowd of fans waiting for him. I get that he was probably exhausted after the show, but the look on his face when that window came down (briefly, to ask people to move out of the way) was enough to alter my perception of him. It was like a king peering down at his peons.

  21. There is a lot to come out about Bono

  22. and I am not taking about his finances.

  23. The taxes the Queen pays are voluntary; legally she isn't subject to taxation. She doesn't need a driver's licence or a passport either.
