Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Blind Item #2

This one named singer/former actress/former reality star who definitely believes in ghosts is hooked on fentanyl. That is never a good thing. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ke$ha is probably a great guess depending on the definition of "actress" - she's been in a couple things and she was on an episode of the Simple Life (I think? Didn't Paris Hilton try to find her mom a boyfriend while Ke$ha was in high school?)

  3. What is it w/ Fentanyl? Why is it so popular all of a sudden or has it always been and I'm out of the loop. Never heard of it until MJ's death, seems to have spiraled out of control since then. Recently, that little rapper died from it too.

    As for the blind: I'm drawing a blank on this one. Not sure who it is.

    1. Its stronger than heroin. comes in powder form and used to cut heroin to make it stronger so a lot of people are drying suddenly. my dad had cancer and was given fentanyl patches near the end. outs scary to see someone you love THAT high.

      With enough of a tolerance built up you could take straight fentanyl. but it's definately not something you jump to straight out of the gate. a huge pill habit and maybe heroin comes first.

  4. Wait. Ke$ha was an actress? I thought of her at first, but the actress part threw me off.

  5. Former actress might be a bit much, although she has appeared in a few films and shows. She had the TV series documentary, My Crazy Beautiful Life, but I'm not sure that qualifies as "reality tv". She also told that infamous story about having sex with a ghost on a late night show. Google also shows she was cast in a movie called "Ghost Story"

  6. P.S. Given everything she's been through over the past few years, I can see a person being driven to numbing the experience through drugs.

  7. @Glue - it can treat severe pain. I work in an ortho setting and patients often ask for it post-surgery (in patch form). But it is so deadly - we won't give them out. People seek other ways to get their hands on it.

  8. @Glue, Fentanyl is a very powerful morphine (I believe) based painkiller. I've seen it as a stick on strip that you slap on the hurting area. It basically knocks the $hit out of you and if they're doing other drugs on top of it you're a goner because it slows down your breathing.

    In short, you should not mess with it "recreationally", but they do, and then they die.

  9. Kesha believes her lady parts are haunted. That in itself makes me a fan.

    1. Fentanyl is proof that big pharma is evil.

  10. Brady fits all three, this is her. I hope she doesn't kill anyone else.

    1. What about Fantasia? She acted on Broadway.

  11. @AngryLiberalKTS, Fentanyl does have its place in medicine. I had a relative break six of his vertebrae in a freak accident, and he was in so much pain that not even Fentanyl was enough to make him comfortable. I can only imagine what he would have been going through without it...

  12. Tell a terminal cancer patient that fentanyl is evil ya dumbass.

  13. my husbands childhood friend recently died from "complications from Pneumonia" He was 36, he actually died from Fentanyl overdose. He used it daily, a patch, had a script for it actually, but he supplemented with anything else he could find, not a celebrity, just a normal human like me, he struggled, and left behind 3 children who miss him. Its a horrible drug, just like Oxy. I guess I am glad that a 5 mg of lortab will make me loopy and I hate that feeling so much i have to be in severe pain to just take that!

  14. Fentanyl is a wonderful drug and a blessing for people with cancer and the terminally ill who would other wise be dying in agony. People need to remember what life was like before 'Big Pharma' invented these drugs. There's a reason even talking about cancer was taboo and it was there was no treatments worth a shit, pain was barely managed and your death was likely long, ugly, and utterly agonizing in a way people in developed countries can't imagine anymore precisely because of these drugs.Pain can be managed incredibly effectively in the terminal now.

    So some degenerates and losers abuse and and all opiates as they will abuse any drug Same people who'd chug Toilet Duck if they thought it could blur reality. That's not the fault of the drug, which is greatly beneficial in the right context.

    You abuse fentanyl, you probably will die and fast and it will be your own fault. If people weren't such pussies about minor pain btw, they wouldn't ask for heavy duty opiates for pain from minor surgeries. Doctors who give them out for minor pain need to be struck off. My mother had two knee replacements and all she had was paracetamol in the hospital ffs. I cannot believe people get opiates for such shit as wisdom tooth extraction. Utter stupidity.

  15. I was given morphine during my cancer treatment, i can't imagine how powerful fentanyl could be.

  16. I blew a disk in my lower back 14 years ago and hurt some nerves running down into my right leg. At the end of the day, even the oxycodone wouldn’t relieve the pain, and I screamed into pillows until I was hoarse. My neurosurgeon gave me fentanyl patches. They were wicked, and coming off them post-op was the single worst experience I’ve ever had with medication in my life.
    That being said - it did let me function semi-normally before I had my surgery. It let me move - and sit for longer than five minutes - without screaming in pain. So I will never be at risk to get hooked on fentanyl. Besides - I never saw the attraction. Like every other pain med, it alleviated my pain and let me - OK, MADE me! - sleep! And sleep, and sleep, and sleep ....
    My back surgery went great, however, and I haven’t had any problems with my back since!
    Oh, and Glue - MJ’s ex-doctor was using propofol as an outpatient sedative - That stuff is an anesthetic that Is so risky to use that it is only to be used in an surgical setting, in a hospital, not same-day surgery. Fentanyl as an anesthetic is just as dangerous. If someone is using it for kicks, they have some serious problems going on in their lives.

    1. May i ask you what kind of surgery you had? I've got blown disks, and ligament damage. My doc has been giving me pro-low shots. Just curious. Never used fentanyl, but I had a friend with a brain tumor, she screamed in pain constantly. The fentanyl definitely served a purpose for her. All drugs have a purpose. It's the people abusing them that scares everyone. Just saying..

  17. I was given fentanyl during a colonoscopy. I just went away for a while, about 30 minutes, I think. My wife says I was loopy for hours, but I don't remember that. Fentanyl is, milligram for milligram, 100 times as powerful as morphine, and 50 times more powerful than pure heroin. This is why dealers add it to herion--it ups the high at low cost. But if you don't mix it perfectly, and someone gets a tiny bit more, they overdose and/or die. There are variants like carfentanyl, which is used on elephants. It is 10,000 times more powerful than morphine.

    It's very, very tricky stuff. And very deadly. A mom was cleaning up the bathroom where her daughter had ODed. She absorbed enough while cleaning it up that it killed her also.

  18. Many of you are calling fentanyl a wonderful thing, but missing the point. Yer all touting its effectiveness with TERMINAL patients, where it doesn't really matter if the cancer or the fentanyl kills them. Could just as easily give large doses of morphine or heroin instead of small doses of fentanyl, because addiction and od are moot.

  19. Big doses of morphine cause other problems besides addiction. This is why fentanyl is so useful; smaller dose, less side effects.

  20. K$sha was on “The Haunting of” with Kim Russo. She talked about her experience in a haunted hotel in Fort Worth. She & her mom both like “ghost hunting” if I remember correctly. I first heard of Fentanyl when Jackie stole patches on “Nurse Jackie”. I lost both of my parents to cancer, my dad was moved from the hospital to hospice without any pain medicine. He was without his medication for over 12 hrs, no one should have to go through what he did. He died the next day. I believe his death was hastened by the severe pain, he had to endure bc of someone’s stupid mistake.

  21. My 90year old father was given fentanyl after a fall (cracked vertebra) after just one small dose he was throwing up like he had sever food poisoning and had to be put on a Chemo anti nausea drug to counteract it because it became so sever, it was a week before the nausea subsided. I hope to heaven I never get to a point where this drug is my only option because it will rarely let you go back.

  22. Fentanyl manufactured by big pharma is not the evil drug killing people at a rapidly increasing rate. And it’s not just “degenerates and losers” as Rinky calls them that are abusing illegal fentanyl and dying. It is mostly illegally manufactured black market fentanyl coming from Mexico and the U.S., made with cheap chemicals supplied by shady Chinese websites that is pouring into both the heroin street market and counterfeit pill websites. The concentration of the fentanyl is unregulated through these channels and consumers have no idea how much they are ingesting. Add to this problem the addition of elephant tranquilizers so potent that a trace amount can kill an adult man or woman just by inhaling or through absorbtion through mucus membranes. It’s a huge problem that goes way beyond the usual demonizing of big pharma or “losers and degenerates” who choose to be addicts as some stubborn people continue to see it. Many victims are first time drug users who don’t live to regret ever caving into peer pressure and trying drugs for the one and only time in their life. Others are legitimately ill people in severe pain who attempt to cut costs of exorbitant medication and who wind up dead after taking medication molded and stamped to look exactly like the medication they paid hundreds of dollars for at the pharmacy.

  23. Has to be Jessica Simpson

  24. @Glue @Lane Crawford Fentanyl is cheap and plentiful as it is being manufactured (like everything in the world just about) in Chinese factories. This is why every drug is being cut with it now.

  25. Yhese medical stories are scary as hell...

    Anyway if you have sex with a ghost and you're a virgin, does it count as losing your virginity or are you then still a virgin? πŸ‘©πŸ»πŸ‘»πŸŒΈπŸ’

  26. Kesha is so talentless she must have been given a path into the business.

  27. Kesha is so talentless she must have been given a path into the business.
