Saturday, November 04, 2017

Blind Item #2

Earlier this week or last I wrote about this couple that had promised to keep silent on drug use in return for silence on domestic violence issues. Turns out though, the domestic violence issue is going to be front and center. That will probably bring out the money laundering and fraud which will probably lead to some kind of murder suicide. Seriously.


  1. Replies
    1. +1 or +3...

      Never liked her, even on DWTS. She always seemed egotistical, but I also admire such self confidence.

      Never watched Braxton Family Values, but grew to love Towanda Braxton, due to her starring in the Reality TV show, “Starting Over,” which aired years ago.

    2. I LOVED Starting Over. I forgot Towanda was on it but the original 6 women are the ones that stand out to me. Nyanja, Lori, Andy etc

      And yes this is definitely Tamar and Vince.

    3. Another Starting Over fan!! I never liked Toni - forgot why - but Towanda had such an amazing heart, I was hoping she would go far...Have no idea what she is like on their current show.

      I miss “our” old show, it was a “positive” reality show.


  3. I loved Starting Over, too. The last time I watched it was a girl whose mother was on the second plane to go into the WTC, a spoiled woman whose parents paid for everything, and Jill (she was a radio host I think). And I remember there was one episode where the actress who played Chandler's girlfriend (with the obnoxious laugh) was on to help with therapy. This was a long time ago! I really liked Ilanya.
