Monday, November 20, 2017

Blind Item #9 - AMA

Pass the kid to a nanny and then do a line of coke. Apparently that is how this former A- list singer/reality star does things now. The good news is no one saw the nanny partaking.


  1. Has to be raspy voice Ashley!

  2. Did Ashlee have a reality show? I know Jessica did...

  3. Ashley did have a reality show for a short time.

  4. I’m gonna go with Christina Aguilera on this one. I just cannot for see a world where Ashlee Simpson would have any kind of A list recognition.

  5. Tamar Braxton? I don't know about A-list, but she has received singing awards, including 4 grammy noms. And, there had been booger sugar rumor floating around about her for a while now. They reason she was fired from The Real varies, but it always involves her being difficult to work with and out of control to the point they had to heavily edit segments. She was/is(?) on more than one reality show and has a 4yr old son, which would mean having a nanny with you wouldn't be suspicious.

  6. ALso, I swear there was a recent reveal in which it was said Evan tried to get her to partake and surprisingly she didn't. I think?
