Friday, November 24, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Anniversary Month

June 12, 2012

A few years ago it seemed like you could not watch any movie without seeing this actress. She was everywhere. She was the it girl. She was the next big thing. She was in big movies and blockbusters and even got nominated for some of the bigger awards and then one day, she was gone. Vanished. She was B+ list at the time and now, if she decided to come back, she would probably still be close to a B because of her name and what she did in her short time. She has talked about coming back but she went through some of the roughest times that I have ever heard. She was in her late teens when she really got noticed and that is when it became hard. There was the movie with the method actor who has been nominated for an Academy Award and is A list all the way. He decided that he was going to do drugs for the movie and insisted she do the same. He said he would get her fired if she didn't, so there she was in an alley in a city she had never been before smoking crack with an actor who said it was all part of the process. When he forced her to have sex with her "to keep things real," she wondered if that was part of the process too. Apparently his process involved him having sex with every female on the production.

There was the producer who kept wanting her to read for a part and would keep insisting that she come at the end of the day to his office. After everyone left for work. She knew what was going to happen. She knew it and knew it and told her agent she didn't want to go and why couldn't she meet the producer somewhere else. The agent told her the producer always did it that way. A soon as she got to his office and he reached for her breast she ran screaming from the office and never went back. Her agent acted like it was a big misunderstanding and he would get her another meeting with the producer. Maybe they could go to dinner or something.

She talked about the time she had agreed to do a love scene, but with no nudity and the director kept her in her trailer for three hours yelling at her that she needed to get naked for the scene to make it real. There was that word again and she was tired of it. He gave her something to take and then had sex with her and she finally agreed to get naked for the movie. There she was in front of 30 other people having sex on camera and the director yelling at her to make it more real. more sexy. He never even used the scene. It ended up on the cutting room floor. She later heard he had hours of footage of actresses from scenes just like hers that ended up in his home but never on screen. He loved the power.

After one too many gropings on set or coke being offered to her. Our actress just left. She walked away. One second she was there and one she was not. She says she has quit forever.

Leelee Sobieski


  1. 😮 wow. Smart girl
    I bet the actor was Nic Cage /film the Wicker Man

  2. Damn. I wish the names of the bad people would get revealed.

    I liked Leelee, too. I didn't realize she was in "Eyes Wide Shut." Just watching that movie messed with my head...I can't imagine having been a part of the production.

  3. Why aren't the abusers named?!?

  4. I'd like to know the director and the producer's name, although this last one surely is well known by now.

  5. i just watched "eyes wide shut" too roxy, after the recent blind. she was so young in it, such a disturbing role as a child prostitute with pimp father. she was only 15 or so when it was filmed.

  6. This just makes me sad.

  7. She also worked with Johnny Depp on Public Enemies, hes been nominated

  8. Good for her and best wishes to her as well.

  9. I had always wondered why she disappeared. I am sad for her as well. I always thought she was Helen Hunts daughter when I was younger.

  10. Bruce Dern for method actor. Worked with her on the Glass House when she was 18.

  11. I’m guessing Nick Cage for actor and Kubrick for the director

  12. Robert Duvall for the actor?

  13. The producer likely Weinstein

  14. She did a great sic-fi movie in Russia in 2010 called BRANDED, looks like she left the country to get work.

  15. Dennis Hopper was also a method actor and I would say he's A List all the way.

  16. "Reveal" ? Only the victim's name revealed. WHY? This makes me really angry. You need to fix this!

  17. There have been rumors for years she is a dominatrix now. She must hate Jennifer Lawrence--put pictures of them side by side, they are nearly twins. JLaw got the movie career Leelee could have had.

    1. Why would she hate her? I would feel sorry for her to think what she had to do to be in that position and maybe feel proud of myself for having the strength to walk away. At least that is how I see it.

  18. It’s ABSOLUTELY Cage - a known method actor and nominated in ‘03 I believe

  19. Guess that rules her out in the blind about being a dominatrix from years ago.

  20. Cage won for "Leaving Las Vegas" and the blind says only that the actor was nominated.

  21. Good for her for walking away. I hope she had some money in her pocket too.

    Shame this site doesn't have the balls to name her abusers.

  22. @sandybrook, why compare? I'm sure Leelee is happy raising her children. It sounds like you are insinuating she should have let people continue to take advantage of her.

  23. At least give a clue for the abusers. Some, like Weinstein will be obvious.

  24. Anonymous9:53 AM

    How many actors really have sex on camera?

  25. Speak up and speak out girl! Now is the time!

    And yes, name the actor/director/producer.

  26. she married fashion designer adam kimmel, who's the heir to a huge fortune, so maybe working in a industry that had disgusted her held no more appeal.

  27. tricia: if you have ptsd and don't like to talk about it, i apologize! but due to recent mentions of derek harvey dogging you, i'd love to hear your side of what happened. i was a reader back then but too terrified to comment lest i get my head cut off by one of the many trolls.

  28. This is only a partial reveal.

    Betting the drug user was Cage and the one that yelled at her was Kubrick.

    Kubrick was known for being horribly abusive to his actresses. He probably couldn't be to Kidman on that movie because of who she was then, and married to Tommy also in Eyes Wide Shut.

    Kubrick is supposed to be why Duval had a break down, after The Shinning. His harassment got so bad Jack had to step in. You know it's bad when notorois womanizer Nicholson steps in.

  29. Recall a comment about Kubrick’s “private test footage” collection that sounds an awful lot like the one referenced here. Naked big bussomed women rolling around to music and future A lister(s) in some “test footage”, and those women were doing it for the chance at being no more than an extra/background set decoration in one of his movies.

    Also, that Eyes Wide Shut has a LOT cut out including a rumored Leelee Sobieski sex scene. So, Kubrick for the director, Weinstein for the producer, and any number of method actors for the shitheel in the first part. I like the Bruce Dern Glass House guess although “A list all the way”? Nic Cage is a better guess but he did in fact win as noted above. She was also in 88 Minutes with Al Pacino but he won as well.

  30. Fairly telling comment from a 2012 Vogue interview in the light of this blind:

    "Ninety per cent of acting roles involve so much sexual stuff with other people, and I don't want to do that," she said.

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  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. @Aimless ... I always ask people how many tens of thousands they have in savings. They say hey don't have savings. I say, you cannot afford even a shitty lawyer then.

  34. Why would drug use help Nic Cage in The Wicker Man? It has nothing to do with drugs. I haven't seen Glass House or 88 Minutes, but I would bet the method actor as Al Pacino.

  35. The Wicker Man seems super unlikely for the method drug use. I'm blanking on if Cage's character used real drugs (I believe anxiety meds or something to that effect, definitely not hard drugs) but the women on the island were all stone cold sober and she wouldn't have had any shots near "an alley" or even in a city. Not to mention there were women in the cast that were far more directly connected to Cage's character, not her character though.

    It is a bizarre mess of a movie, but it doesn't seem likely to be the film shoot at all.

    1. Benzo's are definitely "hard drugs". Withdrawal from anti-anxiety meds can kill a person like alcohol, thru grand mal seizures. Opiates and Benzodiazepines are very hard drugs prescribed by the millions.i kicked powder/crack alcohol without many physical problems. Xanax almost killed me and several friends who used long-term.

  36. There have been several blinds implying she is a dominatrix. While this story is believable I wonder how accurate.

  37. Hey gang...

    Just remember the original blind was written in 2012.
    So the guesses for the actor/dir/prod have to be prior to that.

    Someone mentioned her small role in Public Enemies? Thank you for mentioning that. But she was essentially uncredited in that film.

    Leelee may have had issues with doing things on camera or on productions. But her off-set actions have been very different. She's a great lady, and hilarious too. She's smart as a whip. Of course, we all have hobbies and "avocations" I suppose ;-)

    1. Smart as a "whip" eh I see what us did there. I wonder if a lot of women who were sexually assaulted are drawn to being doms so they can be in control.

  38. I have always wondered what happened to her, I knew whatever it was it could not be good...
    And I remember the PR push for her was hard. I was in middle school during her peak (1998-2000) and somehow everything she was cast in somehow made it into those "infotainment" materials public schools shamelessly accepted from questionable sources to try to improve our state testing scores... She was on every magazine cover...And then, she was gone...

  39. The director is not Stanley Kubrick.

    Total number of actresses in Full Metal Jacket: two. The Vietnamese prostitute who says "Too beaucoup" as she won't have sex with a black guy, and the sniper at the end. And the film wouldn't call for more female characters
    Total number of actresses in The Shining: four (or six). Shelley Duvall, Anne Jackson (the doctor, Elli Wallach's wife in real life), the woman from Room 237, young and old, the two girls in the lobby
    So, when he started working on Eyes Wide Shut, he just had one major female part in one of his films in 15 years, and neither film had gorgeous young looking actresses or just a story that would have justified shooting this kind of footage.

    Total number of actresses in Paths of Glory and Dr. Strangelove: one in each case

    Kubrick was abusive to almost every actor he worked with, not just women. Ask Malcolm McDowell. But it was just on set. Reportedly, he fancied about Julie Christie in the seventies, but he was married and he didn't find the courage to meet her. The guy was actually terribly shy and clumsy outside of a film set.

    She worked with a few other name directors: Neil LaBute, Uwe Boll, Jon Avnet and Michael Mann. Michael Mann isn't big on sex in his films, so it would be surprising if he had shot something like that. I haven't heard anything about Jon Avnet, in good or bad. LaBute may be quite kinky. And Boll was notorious for having outrageous and stupid ideas. His audio commentary for Alone in the Dark was about complaining that Tara Reid wouldn't take her top off for the love scene, while she would spend her time partying and losing most of her clothes outside the set.

  40. Could it be “My first mister”? With Albert Brooks? He was nominated? Doesn’t seem like he fits this blind at all though.... I hope I’m wrong anyways.

  41. i'm sorry she had to "quit forever", but i respect her SO MUCH for it. i hope she gets some more chances. some justice. 💛

  42. She was also with Jon Voight in a TV movie. My best guess is either Albert Brooks or Bruce Dern. She was 23 when Wicker Man came out, and the blind says late teens.

  43. Don't forget, she's infamous for trying to get a lock of every actor's hair on every movie set she's worked on.

  44. As a Canadian I will need you guys to tell me what qualifies as late teens as your drinking age is 21 not 19... after you turn 19 you are an adult here - fully. No one would call you a teen after that. Public Enemies was filmed in 2008? Released in 2009? Given she is born in 83 she would be too old to be considered a teen then? Glass house or my first mister fit better?

  45. I always thought she looked like she could be Helen Hunts baby sister ! What a sin

  46. Sorry Crazycatlady , I never bothered to read all the comments and then saw yours ! It's the only thing I know about her and that is she looks like a young Helen Hunt , who I love !

    1. Almost an exact clone! Its uncanny! I don’t know if I see the Jlaw ref someone noted earlier? Not quite as noticable as her and Helen Hunts resemblence.
