Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Kindness

November 16, 2017

This A+ list mostly movie actor might have made one of the worst movies of the year and agreed to some horrible casting choices, but he still did a good thing. At a foreign premiere of the movie, the actor quietly left the theatre after it began and signed autographs for every single fan who showed up for the screening. It took almost the entire length of the screening to do so. He even signed a drawing that some guy is getting tattooed to his body today. Hope he talked himself out of it.

Mark Wahlberg


  1. I wonder if Marky Mark has really changed over the years or if shit like this is only for show?

  2. Hahaha remember The Crappening?

  3. Knowing him, he probably left the screening only because he was bored and didn't want to sit through the film.

  4. Mark Wahlberg knocked out the eye of the Vietnamese. I never liked Wahlberg, and when I learned about his dark affairs - and even more so.

  5. he has committed TWO hate crimes.

    sorry, you can do all the good you want - but when you say your biggest regret was a movie, and not blinding an asian guy and calling him "ch**k" and then throwing rocks at black kids in a schoolyard playground...yea, fuck you, you don't come back from that. I dont care how catholic'd up you get, or how much time has passed. POS till death.

  6. Nice going Marky Mark. Say hello to your mom for me!

  7. In fact, you can rethink your values. Varg Vikerness of the Nazi turned into a Eurocentrist, but Varg Vikerness never killed or maimed people out of hatred. Yes, he killed Euronimus, but then he said that Euronimus threatened to kill him, and before that he was intimidating his snuff video and other abominations. Varga even had an Arab friend, and it seems that until now Varg defends him from the claims of the Nazis.

  8. I will continue about Varg.
    Although he was nicknamed the Snow Negro (Varg claimed that his family comes from kings), he never attacked unprotected national minorities. He attacked the Jews, it's true. But he even condemned the Norwegian musician, who boasted that he killed a fagot. Breivik, he also condemned. Varga's farm now seems to be bordered by the farm of an Arab from Algeria, with whom Varg maintains friendly ties - he will bring hay to him, and he will put it to him. Yes, and Varg himself poses important, but provocative questions - than whites are different from non-whites. It does not look like a provocation, but I can understand that this is Varg's provocation. He has strong views, he is testing his subscribers. In prison, he read Tura Heyerdahl, and believes that the Asami were the ancestors of the Cossacks from the Sea of ​​Azov, and that in general the Russians are the last Scandinavians by blood, whereas the Swedes, Norwegians and Danes diluted their blood with the ubermensham (Varg claimed that he would go to war for black-browed Serbs, if he had so many children for whom he was responsible).
    What did I want to say?
    I already forgot myself ...
    (at that to you, the inhabitants, it was scarier, not terrible? Uh, come on! for the mordor, for the white hand, Uruk haiLL !!!!)

    1. whoa whoa whoa . say it again now

  9. People can change....i believe in redemption..for some crimes. He dated China Chow...and Jessica Alba. People like Manson where washed up metal people glorify, that's a different story.

  10. Gracious goals. 💛💛💛💛

  11. Either Stupid Monkey modifies his meds or i have to.

  12. I was in a scene he was in in a movie. Not that I got to know him or anything, but he came across as nice, not full of himself.
