Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Revisited

This blind was written on October 31st and revealed a week later. Matt Lauer probably has seen it coming since then.

October 31, 2017

The A list television personality might want to watch his step.  Since he's an established bully among other things, trying to badger others on TV might not be the best choice right now.  There is one person in particular who is waiting for an opening reveal all about him which will open the floodgates for others.  Get that popcorn ready.

Matt Lauer


  1. He was badgering corey feldman

  2. Megny Kelly strikes again

  3. About time they got rid of him. Now get rid of "Mr. Lisp" Michael Strahan at ABC.

  4. Everyine is shocked about Lauer and I'm like that's old news. Thanks Enty and Him! You guys are the best! Matt Lauer-future Fox host!

  5. Popcorn ready ... I like it tossed with m&m's!

  6. What's with "the future-Fox host"? Is Fox worse than NBC (Lauer), CBS or PBS (Charlie Rose); NPR (multiple employees resigning recently)? Get off the partisan train. Your eyes aren't opened yet?

    1. No doubt. These politicians don’t give one iota of a fuck about us yet people cling to their left right bs like it defines them. Lol. These perverts are everywhere and I don’t care what party you belong too. If you’re scum you need to be brought down

    2. Don't get your girly panties in a bunch! Just a humorous prediction! I like Shep and watch on occasion. But yeah, Lauer on Fox 2018

  7. Enty loves when he's proven correct. It's happening a lot these days.

  8. So did Megyn Kelly orchestrate this? Is she leading another mutiny and positioning herself as the new sexual abuse warrior in a bid to keep her job and ingratiate herself with viewers. There is something calculating about her. All these newscasters are hilarious. They try to get their colleagues fired and then end up on the chopping block themselves a few years later.

  9. So totally Megyn Kelly. Savannah and Hoda are crying and Megyn is saying it's a sign of progress. I like the progress but I don't think she's good people.

  10. +1 @Bobby Digital.

    Yeah, Matt is OVA! No more TV for him, or anything really. Time for him to sit on a beach with his millions and drink mai tais alone. I hope his wife takes him to the cleaners.

  11. +1 @N Twinkie. He's another scumbag. He bothers me.
