Monday, November 13, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 6, 2017

These one named permanent A list singers talk a good game about charity and doing their fair share but they both have a long history of evading taxes and hiding their money. From the looks of it they are far more interested in increasing their own wealth than anything else.



  1. I just read about them last week regarding the leak of their names in the Paradise Papers, tax havens for the uber rich.

  2. Surprising nobody.

  3. It's something they always complain about "the rich" doing this.

  4. I can’t stand Madge.

  5. Can't stand Bono. Fucking sanctimonious wanker.

  6. Bono could probably single-handedly cure African famine by donating part of the money he has, thus winning the Nobel Peace Prize he wants so much.

  7. Immodesty: I have a newsflash for you - and it will stick you because I truly despise Bono: Famine in Africa will never be 'cured'. Reasons: corruption and inability for most African countries to have a transparent and efficient government.

    Since the 1960s, African famine has been a huge moneymaker. Trillions of $$$ have been poured into various countries, that still lack basic infrastructure and even clean water or vaccination shots. All the money that has gone to these places could have very easily by now provided agrarian technology to grow crops even in arid climates, let alone in the luscious green African centre countries and mountainous regions.
    The reason ppl starve there, is because their leaders MAKE THEM STARVE. Meanwhile they pocket billions upon billions, live in gold plated mansions, fly in gold plated jets, etc.
    And every few years, some braindead western filmmaker, flies to some desolate African village and makes 'charity ports' of children that are the size of stick insects. Then these motherfuckiers blast this shit onto our tvs during dinnertime and we open our wallets, and one the ones of these beasts.
    There were warehouses in Sudan 10 years ago, the size of airplane hangars, that had crops, rice and medicine rotting away, that could have fed and medicated small cities.
    Charities are scams and business. And if you don't believe me and call me a 'waaaaycist' I will just give you the following example:

    Zimbabwe used to be known as the breadbasket of Africa. That was when WHITE farmers (Rhodesians) were farming the land. Then, about 20 years ago, the white farmers started to get culled by Mugabe government rebells. They'd be either killed (and their entire families) or threatened, so they'd have to escape abandoning their farms.
    Guess what? Zimbabwe has "FAMINE" now!!!!
    The Robert Mugabe lead Black rebells don't want to farm, they don't want to work, in fact Mugabe ordered them TO STOP FARMING, they all just want to sponge and do nothing. He knows stupid Americans and others will give them money eventually. The corruption all across African countries is disgusting, and they only have themselves to blame. They have natural resources like no continent on earth, and they still beg for money and change nothing.
    So fuck Bono, and fuck them and fuck every moron who gives these parasites their hard earned money, because they are just continuing this chain of parasitism.
    Zimbabwe went from breadbasket of Africa, to basket case.

    1. Fascinating. Love a good field report.

    2. The last comment was for @MonteVerde for those reading from web browsers, BTW (just realised the reply structure doesn't show from my laptop—only on mobile).

  8. Bono, lead singer of the third best Irish rock band(thin lizzy and MBV are WAY better) is a egotistical prick of the highest order. Madge just wants money at this point, her new music is irrelevant and not very good.

  9. sorry, that's 'charity porn' - the type of revolting little films that have as the main actor a dying child, in the dirt, surrounded by flies!
    It makes my blood boil. There are no reasons why people should live like this nowadays.

    And btw, assholes like Bono know everything I have written in my post above, they know everything, and they still agree to be a cog in this filthy machine of death and emotional blackmail.

  10. @Monteverde: Thank you for your detailed and well-considered correction to my post. I should have thought before I wrote.

    You're right, about all of that; local corruption, the continued ripples and ramifications of European colonialism and to some extent too the Western plundering of resources are issues that were known to me re why Africa is in such a dire state. I probably should have said "AIDS" instead--though I'm sure there are Big Pharma reasons not to want to cure it as well. Either way, it's tiresome how he gets up on his high horse, hobnobs at Davos, etc and buys his Lithuanian shopping malls.

    1. U seem nice and that guy seems like a racist. I hope u have a nice day tomorrow!

  11. No, immodesty, see what you're doing, for fear of being labelled? You are protecting the culprit. I did not mention colonialism or 'plundering' of resources.
    You know why? Because that shit doesn't matter when it comes to building a functioing country anymore. it's in the past. And you know how I know this? (shit another mini lecture coming up)
    Because of Botswana (bloody hell, you Americans really know nothing about the world do you? all you live on are buzzwords and slogans, hammered into you guys by lefty teachers who know nothing as well)

    Africa isn't 'plundered'. It'd take another 1000 years for any resources to deplete. It's a very rich continent, they have everything: gas, metals, diamonds, other stones, land, oil, woods, everything you can imagine, they got it. Colonialism is over. Finished. Time to get the fuck over it I say and take an example in Botswana.

    Botswana used to be one of the poorest, most 'plundered' and colonised countries in Africa, they had famine too. Today, they are the fastest growing economy on the entire continent.

    !!! ----- They have free education for everyone, free health care, solid and impressive infrastructure and a very strong tourism industry, because it's such a safe place ----!!!!

    And you know how long it took them to get there? Only 40 years!
    You see, because Botswana (like many other African countries) has diamond mines, it was an attractive prospect to *gasp* white investors. I know I know, you're gonna go all 'those supremacists, whitey is the devil, and all that jazz', but this is what actually happened:
    evil whitey put his evil whitey money into the country and got some NON CORRUPT NON MURDEROUS Black politicians to sign an agreement: evil whitey was only going to invest his evil money into diamond mines, if the politicians agreed whitey to open diamond polishing factories in the country, filled with Black workers, who evil whitey trained. 'Slavery' you're gonna shout now, wearing a pink vagine knotted hat.

    No Immodesty. You see, for a country to work you need people to FUCKING WORK. So Black workers started not only mining but also polishing and trading in diamonds. They became rich themselves. They opened more factories and trained more Black workers. Suddenly strong middle class started to emerge. Middle class people need cars, and modern kitchen appliance. So these need to be imported. So now some other Black guys started importing foreign cars and appliances, and they became rich too. And they wanted big houses. So now they need an architect, a building company that employs 20 ppl, gardeners, and plumbers to install their kitchen appliances. All these people need to eat. So restaurants open and large supermarkets. Emerge the Black supermarket chain owner and Black restaurant owner. In the meantime politicians in Botswana made sure not to steal money from evil whitey, but to use it to build libraries, town halls, schools and hospitals. Agrarian technology was being invested in by the government, to feed all these people, and prevent droughts.
    Evil whitey saw that his money was being used to make more money so he was happy, politicians were happy, and people were happy. Everyone's got a job, so everyone's happy. Nobody's stealing, or using emotional blackmail or playing the victim, because apparently, when you look at other African countries, that doesn't help much, does it?

    So there you have a country that was practically raped, yet it recovered in less than 2 generations. All you have to do is not to steal money, take care of your people, and WORK.
    So please, let's stop fucking blaming whitey all the time, it's getting old.

    1. Ur into banana republics dude? 😎👌

    2. U think everywhere but Africa is free of corruption? We're literally on the paradise papers page. Go rant on Reddit dude.

  12. In other news, there's gambling in the back room.

  13. I'm sorry Andrew, I did not start this, but I can not, not respond to total and utter ignorance. All you have to do is bloody google something else than 'JLaw nipslip' once in a while and you might learn something new.
    Black Jack for me.

  14. I'd have to agree about Africa. So much of it is down to corruption. Starting from the bottom, no one can reliably run a small business in these countries, because of all the backhanders and worse. So the 'black market' mentality is truly ingrained. The lack of entrepreneurship keeps so many people poor. It takes strong leadership to turn it around.

    My uncle used to live in Uganda and he said you'd see all these huge corporate jets turn up, owned by the big charities. They'd fly in for some do and then swan off again. They're a massive scam, all of the big charities. They cream off 90% of the funds for admin. They don't want to cure or end anything, because then the gravy train's over.

    You look at how many cancer charities there are. In the UK there must be at least four big ones. And the same in every European country. Each one raising millions/billions a year, but no one has come up with a cure.

    Re the blind/reveal, one thing that no one's talking about is the massive invasion of privacy. Forget who's involved, and what wankers they are, it's outrageous that media channels are laying out all the private details of these people's tax affairs.

    And some of it is only common sense. They've got money coming in from all over the world, so they funnel it through a low tax jurisdiction rather than pay it at each source.

    A tax adviser friend says the truth the man on the street doesn't want to know is that the biggest leak of tax money is from....the man on the street. Black market cigarettes, duty free, tax-friendly investments, claiming cross-border tax all adds up. Yes the rich are 'at it', but proportionally there's only a very few of them, whilst there's millions of 'men on the street'. Most self-employed people minimise their tax. And missing taxes are mostly down to government inefficiency because they make it all complicated and simpler lower tax regimes are more successful at claiming tax because it's less hassle to avoid it.

    1. LOL the wealthiest 1% have more money than the bottom 50% combined and u expect me to believe buying duty free at the airport is the problem?? Even Buffet says he has a lower tax rate than his secretary. When u do a crime u forfit ur privacy. In jail u have to pee in front of others. These mfs just have articles written about them that will be forgotten next week like the Panama Papers were while sitting around in their spas and mansions. The guy in jail may have only stolen a Starbucks tip jar dude. And you ever notice when murder victims get toxicology reports done on them and when they don't? Even murder victims don't get privacy, let alone criminals, if there's a narrative need for a criminal to be created.

  15. They don't bother me. It's the hypocritical politicians who do.

  16. OMG did I just read civil, well-reasoned, genuinely informative discourse on foreign policy on CDAN of all places?!! About AFRICA, and no one was inflammatory or racist?!!! THANK YOU, @ImmodestyBlaise, @monteverde and @Mrs Meat. Lovely to see such food for thought here. :)

    1. No u didn't. U read very reactionary slightly informative rants.

  17. Except Mrs Meat is very wrong to blame the poor. The sums avoided in billionaire tax amount to hundreds of billions, the sums lost in tax from the the poor are pocket change. The lives of everyone are made worse by the poor not investing back in society, while the rest of people just constantly get worse and worse in buying power. We work to fuel the immense wealth of the elite and in return, they cut our health services, our school budgets, our safety structures.

  18. @monteverde,connecting this to music,how about how Sir Bob Geldolf became very rich and "sainted" due to his African relief efforts. In none of documentaries do they mention the political reasons for famine, they show you thousands of people forced into the worst area of the drought stricken country, and I noticed something. There are no homes there. Most of these poor people had land confiscated by the government. They are used by the government to collect charity funds.

  19. @Mara, I don't think Mrs. Meat was blaming the poor,a lot of so called low level tax cheats make a decent living. No society can thrive without a middle class tax base,the rich will always find a safe place to be rich,the poor often can't better themselves because when you do,much is taken from you,and you are worse than before. And if you want to see the biggest evidence of how government corruption works look no further than Haiti,the amount of money put into that tiny country should have rebuilt the whole place e.

  20. Anonymous6:39 PM

    If it is legal, it is legal.

  21. Madonna's charity, Raising Malawi, just built a pediatric surgery and ICU unit at Malawi's largest hospital. They've also built 10 schools and a lot of other stuff. She's not just doing a lot of talking, she's actually accomplishing stuff.

    As for the offshore accounts, I have no idea. But considering how left wingers seems to expect the rich to be taxed into oblivion to pay for every social program they can think of, I can't really blame any of these wealthy people for getting their money out of the US. You can only grab so much before people say "screw this".

  22. guesser: Geldof is another sanctimonious twat I can not stand
