Sunday, November 19, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 12, 2017

This always broke A-/B+ list rapper is now selling stolen goods. Apparently though, he has also been talking to his A list ex, so maybe she will take him back before he goes to jail.

Tyga/Kylie Jenner


  1. He should be a pimp or a drug dealer, there is no honor in stealing. We should still be cutting off hands.

  2. Her mother will kidnap her and sell her to a Nunnery before she lets Kylie go back to Tyga. Unless, of course, he's the real baby daddy. With these fresh, wholesome girls, you don't know what they're gonna do. They won't even admit Khloe's dad isn't theirs. She towers over the whole family while the other Karcrashian gals are jockey-size. Kris Jenner has more secrets than a super sized box of M & Ms.

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  3. Let him go to jail and find out what a big man he really isn't.

  4. He should sell the sex tape he made with her, he'd have plenty of money then. Of course he'd have to share with PMK too.

  5. He's busy in france right now, looking for that stolen jewelry.

  6. I'm an Atheist praying to ANY GOD right now to smite this entire clan into the ground. NOW. SOON. We can't take it anymore.

  7. Can we get more blinds on Kylie Jenner? I think she is a horrible example for young women and would like her to be exposed for all her shady dealings.
