Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

August 31, 2012

At this point I am not sure what keeps this couple together. They don't get along and can't stand to be in the same room as each other. They rarely go out together, and if they do it is because of some obligation where it would look funny if they were apart. The couple is A list all the way through. As for them individually, an A for the wife and a B+ actor for the husband in their respective professions. He wants kids. She keeps promising him kids but then something always comes up and there are excuses and missed doctor appointments and she really does not want a child. She does not tell our actor that though because she knows he would leave instantly. He brings home things on adoptions and she always promises to look but never does. For his part she is tired of finding receipts for hotel rooms when he has been in town. The way he will have sex with everyone but her. He says that he would love to have sex with her but that she needs to be home more often for that to happen and that when she is home all she does is sit in front of the television or work and that she has not said one nice word to him in a year. She thinks about cheating because she wants people to find her attractive. Men do find her attractive. She is more afraid of getting caught then anything. There have been some make out sessions with one particular guy. He is married too so it makes it a little easier. Our actor sits at home everyday waiting for his wife to get home. Although he has messed around a lot, he does want the marriage to work he says, although there is someone he has been seeing more than just his regular nooner flings. He found someone who runs a charity and would love to have lots of kids and our actor is seriously considering making the move to end it so he can be with this woman. The person who listens to them both complain thinks they both stay in the marriage because they are stubborn and don't want weeks of headlines and speculation about their divorce if it should happen and the seeing the other person with other people after the split. There is also the question of money. No prenup and the wife is worth way way more than the husband and doesn't want to give up half the money she made during the marriage because it is a ton.

Fergie/Josh Duhamel (what is crazy is that she must have just found out she was pregnant right about the time of this blind item considering Axl was born the following April. They didn't announce it until February.)


  1. So all these years later they are divorcing and nobody gives two fucks. Maybe it would have been like that then too.

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Allegations that it was sheen who raped Haim:

    1. We already know about Sheen. Thanks though

  3. My, how public opinion (well on here at least) has changed. Back then there was a lot of sympathy for her. Now she's dirt.

  4. Wendy asked her about the Big D right away last week on the show. Fergie protested for 1/2 a second and then coughed up a few blurbs.
    Girl you are on The Wendy Williams Show!!

  5. So not remotely a surprise. Their actions are pretty easy to read.

  6. Axl was born at the end of August, Enty.

  7. She never ever stated she wanted kids and he was ALWAYS talking about kids, this shit was doomed from the start and honestly, he sounds like a manipulative asshole.
    He won't have sex with her for whatever excuses he uses but he can go have sex with other women at hotels? Like that's any better? Seems like this marriage was all about HIM and HIS wants and HIS ego.

  8. She didn't want a kid, their marriage was crap, so yeah, let's have a kid and drag an innocent into our bullshit!

  9. Yeah I was going to say, Axl was born end of August 2013 so she wouldn't have been pregnant yet at that point.
