Thursday, November 02, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 25, 2017

The wife of this foreign born A list dual threat actor now considers herself a world class movie producer after being on a set twice. Umm. So, anyway, she is committing the new family production company to some really big ticket items and if you haven't noticed, the cash flow has slowed to a trickle.

Sophie Hunter/Benedict Cumberbatch


  1. Good maybe the stalkers will find out where they are shooting things and drive up the budgets by making themselves extreme pests.

  2. It could be a cold calculated move on her part to corner the market on crap no one else cares about. lol

  3. This foreign-born A-list dual-threat actor wants you all to think he's a vegan but he secretly eats bacon cheese burgers when he thinks nobody's looking. 🥗🙎🏻🍵🌿

    1. How do you know what he eats when he thinks nobody's looking?

    2. 😂😂😂😂

      Slightly off-topic, but has anyone noticed how terrifying the bacon emoji on iPhone is? It looks a little less scary on Android but it makes one's skin crawl...

  4. " and if you haven't noticed, the cash flow has slowed to a trickle."

    i didn't notice, since i haven't understood which ( ?) items are you talking about, if someone could " decipher" this to me, much appreciation

  5. Head stalker is gonna blow her top in 10, 9, 8....... get a life beetch

    1. Just one? I figure there will be two reactions- one set of "Don't talk about our Queen like that! We will sue you for defamation on her behalf!" and another set of "We told you she was an evil hag!"

  6. More Cumbalbino baits for the stans
