Saturday, November 25, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 20, 2017

American Music Awards

More than once at a party last night, this tool of a former tweener made his on again girlfriend show a new nipple piercing to random strangers. The girlfriend looked mortified each time but did what he said.

Justin Bieber/Selena Gomez


  1. Shoimd she be doing that sort of stuff right after a liver transplant?

  2. I bet he makes her fuck his friends, too. I might need to be Beiber's friend, though if she is that thoroughly pimped, he's probably the one who made her bleach her hair.

  3. Feel awful for her. Where's her dad goddammit! Straighten that little Bieber brat out.

  4. He's such a disrespectful douche.

    She's being manipulated.

    Isn't there anyone on her team that's able to advise her?

  5. i'm afraid she could be headed for a full-blown brittany or amanda breakdown. the girl seems to have no center of gravity...she's just a puppet for whatever guys she's with.

  6. Taylor Swift was/is Selena's friend. If anyone can help her, it would be Taylor and her team. Maybe Selena doesn't want it? Maybe she's being blackmailed? I feel sorry for these people.

  7. I disagree that she's being manipulated.

    She knows exactly what she's doing and her mortification is feigned.

    If she didn't want to show it, she wouldn't have.

  8. Selena is with him to help record and ticket sales. If she wants the rub, she gotta do what she's told.

  9. I'm inclined to agree Count, or at least to keep her in the news and relevant. I actually think Bieber is more into her than she's into him.

  10. Yeah Count is probably right. Bieber gives her more face time with the newspapers and magazines.

  11. I guess swift tried everything including tough-love. If a girl is on a downward spiral...

  12. Selena has no soul. She believes that she cannot be happy or live her life successfully without a man. She seems to always base her whole life and any possibility of happiness on having a man, and the poor thing has had a string of bad luck trying to find one. So far she has dated two guys who really prefer to be with other men, a womanizer, and the douchebag loser who she's currently with. Unfortunately for her, the douchebag loser who she's currently with is the only one who even pretends to actually give a shit about her.

    I'm not a fan of her music, but she still has a pretty hot Top 40 career and she's an attractive chick. She could do a whole lot better than Bieber. Her coke binges have gotten out of hand. Depression, "panic attacks", pills, coke, and booze...

    I've said it before, she should take cues from Whitney. She's headed down the same path.

  13. Well of course, Austin - she’s after the benefits, financial and otherwise (drugs mainly). He’s a little sissy bitch boy bully and the world knows it, so anything to make himself feel as though he has even one iota of power. This little snowflake Beebs is an unwanted near-abortion whose mother pimped him out to Usher who not only pimped him out further but also had his shit pushed in and no doubt caught STDs from him, all while on tape. “Allegedly”.

    1. Not only are you a misandrist, racist (I refuse to say anti-white), but I sense a hint of homophobia and jealousy of Bieber. Plus you Dont do your homework on him, because you Dont like him. Or you'd know he didnt attend, if his not performing he rarely attends. You easily led ass.

    2. Not only are you a misandrist, racist (I refuse to say anti-white), but I sense a hint of homophobia and jealousy of Bieber. Plus you Dont do your homework on him, because you Dont like him. Or you'd know he didnt attend, if his not performing he rarely attends. You easily led ass.

    3. Fugazi Enty ia the lead MANsogynist here. Should change her name to Miss Andrist.

    4. Fugazi Enty ia the lead MANsogynist here. Should change her name to Miss Andrist.

  14. +1 @just sayin... and @john doe - that seems unnecessarily harsh. She has no soul? I think she's more victim of circumstance. Particularly given the revelations of the last month, I think most kids would come out the other end in similar fashion. Let alone the "normal girls" who learn about love and dependency the hard way but out of the spotlight. She needs a positive, anchoring force in her life, and she's still young. Plenty of time to course correct.

  15. Now that's pure class all the way around- bravo to them both!!

  16. Well, I was wrong. I guess Demi Lovato and Wilmer Douchebagarramma.

  17. John Doe is correct, because whores dont have souls. That is why they and other animals cant get into heaven.

  18. You guys are way too harsh. It's not like she killed someone or raped a baby.

  19. Bieber should be the only one vilified here in the comments section.

  20. Why should Beiber be villified? She's a known yachter using him for attention and access to his fans. I inderstand she has a vagina, but she is certainly no victim.

  21. Possible Master/submissive relationship.

  22. According to bankrate, Selena Gomez's net worth is $50 million. Her "being a known yachter" is a fantasy for lonely masturbation addicts

  23. Yeah, becuase celeb net worth sites are known to be soo accurate. Ric Flair is said to be worth $5mill, then why has he had to fight off multiple non payment lawsuits in thr past few years and have to get hand outs from WWE to pay off tax bills?

    Maybe Selena has grossed $50mill, but after agent, manager, tax man, publicist, paying off paps, she got maybe 15-20mill to live off of. That aint much when yer trying to live a certain lifestyle.

    And Dr. Bumfuck, she was photoed on a yacht w/ the Delavigne(?) whore. Are you a delusional cunt or ocd SellyG stalker, to be in such denial?

    P.S. Back in the day, when others outted that Sav loon as a Chloe Moretz creep it was the best.

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  25. Im sorry but I just can't feel sorry for her. Women who have family, no children and are financial well off have no excuse to stay with a guy that treats her like crap. No pity from me. Didn't the weeknd make a diss song towards Justin saying "I'll f*ck your girl and give her back to you" she has 0 respect for herself, if you don't respect or have self worth of yourself can't expect others to have respect for you

  26. Easy, Jerkula. No one's trying to interfere with your "hobby." Just pointed out how ridiculous it is to believe a celeb who makes millions from their instagram account, plus endorsement deals w/designers, interest on investments (using your figures the interest alone would be north of a million), plus residuals, etc. would fuck gross old dudes for money.
    Aren't you the one who's obsessed with Selena G??
    Keep whippin yer skippy dude.
    But try to understand comments sections invite comment.

    p.s. I saw a picture of Oprah on a yacht with Gayle. You got a hooker fantasy about them, too?

  27. PART 1 of 2:

    That was an insightful thought John Doe, and "just sayin'" as well. And Mr. Howe, with regards to "her team" it brings up an interesting point to consider with regards to her "role" in Bieber's career and what use she is to them.

    This thing about Selena being "manipulated/or not" is that possibly she's being manipulated or directed in ways that are less beneficial to her and her career...and more beneficial to others. The key is to look at her management. She just recently signed with Brad Cobb at DMG (Katy Perry's manager). Prior to that Selena was repped by her parents (!). But basically, despite the momager, Selena was being directed down the path made for her by Scooter Braun (Bieber & Usher) to do what was best for Bieber's agenda...NOT Selena's.

    Any good pop star manager will do what's best for the financial longevity of the client. That's not always what is "best" morally, physically, mentally, or emotionally...but what's best financially. Katy Perry is a train-wreck of epic proportions (mentally, emotionally, habitually, and socially) BUT...she's pulling in tons in revenue streams. So her management does all they can to protect that.

    It sounds counter-intuitive and maybe contradictory, because logic tells you that a healthy and sane/secure star is going to be more profitable. But that's not really true. Mainly because you're talking about "artists" and creative talent. Not politicians, commercial products, brands, or publicly-traded corporations. Example: Billy Idol has "managed" a long-term drug addiction for decades. But as long as he can still tour and perform and keep his royalties coming in? He's rolling. And he's happy, and his management is happy. The people who are his backers/investors are all happy. He hasn't created any new material worth discussing in a long time - but he's keeping the revenue flowing. Even if, to do so, he has to "maintain" a level of drug dependence that would kill most people.

    He's found a level that allows him to perform without OD and without withdrawing. That runs in conflict with what we're told about drug-addiction models...but it CAN be accomplished (though no sane, caring person would ever promote that). Of course Idol runs the risks of OD or mismanagement (and periodic trips to rehab/hospital) but looking thru the years he obviously has found a level that works for him.

    Which makes you wonder how long Prince or others maintained their levels. Until the variables changed or it got out of control. Prince didn't die from an OD of one-time use. He OD when something/someone altered the variables. Whether it was too strong, different supply, or even a different diet (altered his metabolism). Something changed that threw his regimen out of whack. He couldn't maintain it, which is evident by his near OD on the plane flight and calling the doc prior to that. Then he died. It's far, far more common in the industry than we think. But when the management and executives are all satisfied with the artist's ability to keep the revenue incoming? They will continue to do what's necessary to allow that artist to "maintain".


  28. (PART 2 of 2)

    Likewise, these young pop tarts are considered successful if they can keep the revenue flowing. (Health, sanity & welfare be damned). Britney, Amanda Bynes, Mischa, Miley, Aaron Carter, etc. And after Brit's meltdown? She didn't just go to rehab and suddenly "cured" and clean. She got NEW management and new biz partners who had been down this road before. So they got her "stable", even got the parents and courts to agree. They got her the massive Vegas deal, put the lockdown on her personal life, and kept her balanced and Brit & family all agreed to their terms. Now? She's rolling right along, keeping the revenue coming in. She's not crystal clean by a long stretch - but they found her "balance" to maintain her career (all doctor approved!). So that's the scale by which management measures their success.

    Selena's business relationship with Bieber/Braun has been horrific. He's not managed her in the typical sense - but more akin to a "hip pocket" advisory deal. WITH her mom. That's never a good plan. Braun has and will only ever have Justin's best interests in his sights. Financially OR personally. And using Selena to achieve that is perfect...for THEM.

    Whether it is drugs, sex, more drugs, sex tapes, or manipulating the is all planned to help Bieber and Braun's agenda. This is what Ariana Grande hated, as she knew she was being used (and her attorneys tried to steer her away from it). So she dumped Scooter's management and walked away. In no time flat, she was speeding to obscurity and irrelevancy. She was out of the "circle" of that group. Everything from pap coverage, convenient drug dealers, premieres & parties, or being offered parts in shows or team-ups on songs...they were all out of her grasp.

    So - she went crawling back asking to be let back in. Her career rebounded, her opportunities for collaborations returned, as did her PR/Media attention, social media mentions, and music revenues. All just because she went crawling back to Scooter Fucking Braun. Perhaps none of those money streams are good for her personally or health-wise - but they're good for her earnings. Just like Selena's.

    And no, Bradford Cobb & Scooter Braun are not partners (yet) but they BOTH benefit on packaging various productions/projects that include both of their clients. Thing is...Justin Bieber pulls in TONS more money than Selena. So they will keep doing what is in HIS best interest, even to the detriment of Selena Gomez and her personal/professional good. Thus, if Justin wants to manipulate Selena via "her look" (that hair! Uggh!), or via her drug intake, or via her sex life (like saying: "c'mon baby he's a BIG producer! Let's party with him and show him a good time cuz we need him on this project!")...even thru all of that? She'll do it. And Bieber's management will pressure HER management to keep playing along. Because, gee whiz gosh-golly, its best for the team.

    Until she crashes and burns. Or the sex tape of Selena with 2 guys and 3 girls leaks out and they cannot control the spin. Or she ODs and even rehab cant save her. And she turns out as another Lohan...or worse. And people will wonder what ever happened to...

    Just my 2 cents, and I hope I'm wrong. But in a lifetime inside the industry, I've seen it all happen before. And it's never pretty.

  29. And Selena Gomez is NOT worth $50 million.
    In no way, shape, or form.
    I don't doubt that was posted on a website.
    But it's not true.
    Possibly she'd have a net worth of $20 million based on "projected earnings" but unless she did some amazing investing and has massive assets? Not a chance.

  30. Bumfinger: Naomi Campbell and any Kardashian could probably buy and sell SellyG all day long, and they all trade puss for cash.

  31. #DyingToBeFamous


  32. Himmmm - Great points and thank you for the breakdown. I think most of us know that's how it's done in Hollywood/celebrity-ville. It's clearly evident Selena is ruled by management and you are correct about Scooter. He's looking at the end $$$ numbers. He's made a boatload off Bieber and Selena.

    I enjoyed the part about Billy Idol (I was going to marry him when I was younger. Hahaha. JK but still when I was in high school, I was loopy for him back in the 80s). I finally saw him in concert after his motorcycle accident and I kept saying "no way he's not on painkillers to be able to move around like that so shortly after that accident." He gave a good concert though, despite the fact he was hopping around on one leg.

    Prince - yea. I personally think what happened was Prince didn't want to be honest with the ER doctor about all the drugs he consumed when he was taken into for "emergency" - of course, like you said, bad drug combo or amount of drugs, is what did him in. Makes me so angry (Prince was a huge part of my life...very FIRST concert I ever attended was Prince, Purple Rain tour w/ Sheila E and The Time - almost 5 hours - still today one of the BEST concerts ever attended - plus Prince played a huge part in my meeting my best friend in college in Germany who I eventually married) that Prince died the way he did. His "pride" got in the way - he didn't want to reveal either what drug he was taking or how much and that pisses me off bc I wanted to see him live just ONE more time. Ok. sorry for the emotional rant.

    Getting back to Biebs and Selena - it is clearly evident they are a PR machine dream. In reality, they are both a mess, but they make $$$ so no one on either team will put a stop to it.

    Love it when you give us a glimpse inside, Himmmmm. Even though we usually have it figured out, you cinch it for us and I appreciate that. Since we never know who is typing at the time, I'll go on record to say, all four Himmmm's rock! /grin/

  33. Correction for my post to Himmmm: I said we usually have it all figured out and that's not exactly true. I should have said most of us have an idea about it all but you usually either nail it, negate it for us or explain it in a way where we finally understand it.

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  35. lol @ your last sentence Himmmmm. You made me spit out my coffee.

  36. Thanks Glue excellent perspective - and I appreciate your thoughts. I think tons of people felt that way about Prince, and anyone who grew up in the 80s-90s especially had that connection. It's always difficult when it turns out that the gods are human after all, and are not invincible. Like older generations felt when Elvis died on the toilet, or Lennon was shot. Hard to believe a bullet could kill a Beatle! (to that generation I mean).

    It's especially difficult to see Kurt Cobain, Chris Cornell, Michael Hutchence, Layne Staley, Chester Bennington, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston - and countless actors - who come to their premature demise. But I also think that pulling back the curtain on fame like here at CDAN a lot of people see how/why this stuff happens. It's always tragic and we never wanna believe it is possible. Or for others to believe Tupac or Biggie weren't invincible. And yet Lindsay Lohan still survives?? (SMH). lol.

  37. Sorry And blogger cut off part of my comment so had to re-post it. But yeahh - guess cockroaches are harder to kill in some cases. ;-)

  38. What I find especially annoying and ironic about the new feminist club, is the insistence that women have no brains, morals or understanding of what's right or wrong. They (we) are the permanent victims, in a world, that doesn't allow us to say no, walk away or stand up to ourselves in a respectful manner. We (they) are unable, to decide our own life choices, because we are just a bunch of bimbos, raised by other bimbos.
    The exact opposite, of what real feminism was founded on, basically.

    1. So do women choose to live with men who rule them? Feminism just says no, why does it mean that women do not have brains?

    2. Just saying, millions of Biebers and Sslenas show that this is true... If feminism thought this (do not think) it would not be a lie!


  39. wow, himmmm, just so sad. i was glad to see the thanksgiving photo of selena with all her female family members. even if mom's intention is to save her daughter's brand more than save her daughter, i hope the intervention does some good. and i agree...the hair!...when a beautiful woman does something to destroy her looks like that it's a sign of self-hatred or abject frustration with her life.
    Everybody Knows (Douchebag) - [Selena Gomez Dancing]

  40. Himmmm posts as if he's been down this road before.
    So, you must have first hand knowledge of a "Hollywood" situation(?) that Selena is in.
    Obviously, mine is from the 'Outside looking in.'

    Your post makes me think you are an intelligent and articulate person.

    All the best to you, Himmmm.


  41. not a doubt in the world about how intelligent himmmm's a sad fact that the most brilliant minds are prone to addiction. the discovery that a substance can calm the effing brain down once in awhile, ease some of the obsessing and anxiety feels like a lifesaver at first. but it quickly turns into a new kind of hell when you discover that without it you feel worse than before. and i don't just mean in the early stages when you discover you're dependent. the body and brain, the very way you think, changes every day you use, and it takes years of being clean to return to feeling "normal" and free of cravings after rehab...which is why only the strongest survive addiction. hence the lifelong addict like billy idol or angelina, or prince up until the end. it's a dangerous way to live and a terrible thing to put your loved ones through.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Wow, Himmmmm. Lots of food for thought. Thanks for the insight. All this leads me back to my original position regarding Selena, and that is that she has no soul but is just an empty shell being strung along for money and fame. I apologize if this is offensive to some of you. I'm not judging her for her decisions. I just feel bad for her because I feel that she could do better.

    I maybe wrong about that though because I now understand that 'success' in Hollywood isn't so much about how much how good you look or how much talent you have, but on how submissive you are to the powers that be. That seems to be the correct presumption to make based on the Arianna Grande story---which is just sad and pathetic. Ergo, Jerkula may be right. Every Hollywood star is a whore of a certain kind---not necessarily in the physical sense of whoring but in the sense that they are forced to give up a valuable part of themselves in exchange for the fame, the glamor, and the lights. For many, the sacrifice was apparently worth it---especially the ones who are constantly hand-signing for Baphomet. But I don't just think about the beautiful people who pose on the red carpet, I also think about the extremely talented ones who are now dead because of that very same culture that made them rich and famous.

    I feel like I need a drink now.

  44. Justin did not even attend the Awards show and selena left early, I didn’t see any evidence of them going to any after parties, so not sure if I believe this????
