Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 23, 2017

Dear Empire actress who I loved and adored in Hidden Figures,

How many other women does your boyfriend have to get pregnant and hook up with before you finally decide to leave him? Is there a set number? Can I reach out when he hits that number? You deserve so much better.

Love & Bacon,


Happy Thanksgiving!

Taraji P Henson


  1. Sad. She seems so confident and fierce.

  2. Don't understand this blind. There is an article from September of this year where she clearly stated she was looking for a boyfriend, and wasn't attached to anyone.

  3. Kelvin Hayden is 13 years younger than she is and athletic. She must feel that's the best she can do at 47, so she went back to him.

  4. Should of been labeled, easy easy.

  5. I'm a little older than her and if you look halfway decent, the 40 year old are all over you. Trying to find a mature man who is easy on the eyes is hard to find. Slim slim pickings

  6. Women are enchantingly stupid. As well as men.
    Fuck, a partner should be chosen not on the scale of beauty, but on the scale of utility. If your partner is hardworking, knows how to cook - then this is the most wonderful partner!
    Alas, many people think only of the penis / vagina. Alas.

  7. Does this dude have his own money? then why cheat on your meal ticket?
