Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Jennifer Garner and her costumed kids on their way to a night of glorious trick or treating with Ben Affleck in Malibu.
Maisie Williams in London.
Chris Pratt took his son trick or treating long before dark.
Rose McGowan in NYC.
Reese Witherspoon on the bundled up school run.
Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber ride bikes and self destruct.
Britney Spears shows off her horse.


  1. So Biebs and Gomez back together again does this mean he has left the money robbing cult Hillsong?

  2. I doubt Been went trick or treating he looks pissed.
    I wonder what con Biebs pulled on Selena this time or did Hillsong teach the little bitch how to brainwash people? Or is she back doing drugs and he's better connected?

    1. Ben isn't in the picture. How do you know he looks pissed?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yeah I was going to say, is that Ben in the background or John Favreau cuz it barely kinda looks like either. Except the frowny face, definitely a Ben Signature cranky pouty face. What, he has to be dry until the fam gets done trick or treating?

    Biebs and Gomez riding bikes, ok I'm going to hell for this but why couldn't it be them instead of the victims on the bike path yesterday in NYC?

    1. Wishing death upon people you do not know is really sick. If it was Singer, Schneider or others, well that's understandable. Hope u cleans your karma quick.

  5. Those creepers behind Rose, or maybe I'm just seeing things.

  6. Hey, Brit.
    I'd believe the horse was actually yours if you were wearing the proper footing for any and all horse endeavors: Paddock Boots!

    High heels don't cut it while at the "barn."

  7. Please... BOTH Bieber and Selena attend Hillsong church. Just because it is a Christian church does not make it evil or bad or brainwashing. Is it not possible to just enjoy the peace that a church brings you. I attend a partner church with Hillsong, i am hardly brainwashed, I just love the spiritual power I feel when i go. I also go to a unity church, which is not about God etc, neither are bad.
    Christian churches are a long way from Scientology, especially churches like Hillsong that are pretty damn liberal and do not shove anything down your throat.

  8. Chris Pratt, your kid went with Cap over Star Lord?!? Really???? C'mon maaaaaan...

    Re: creepers behind Rose, maybe she just got out of an Alky/Addicts Snonymous meeting...that's what those old grizzled dudes make me think of at least.

  9. Lol. You lot need to get your eyes tested. That’s not Ben, it’s some Mexican dude haha

  10. Oh there is Star Lord!

  11. It kinda looks like Ben acting pissed, sounds like the Entern was fooled too.

  12. I saw a pic elsewhere of Affleck with the xwife &kids on Halloween. He was wearing a grey suit. Someone suggested he was dressed up as Harvey Weinstein. 😂

  13. I guess the sentence '....on their way to...with BA' could mean they're meeting him somewhere, not that Enty was fooled into thinking that was him in the background.
