Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Blind Item #10

This closeted A+ list mostly movie actor found himself in a tricky position when a hotel maintenance person came to check for a water leak. In the shower was the boyfriend of the A+ lister who was in a bathrobe on a balcony smoking and hadn't heard the knock. No explanations were given, and I'm not sure the maintenance guy realized what he was seeing, but someone in the break room did and it has been spreading from there. 


  1. Hugh Jackman is in the DM today and staying at a Hyatt in Ozland with his wife and maybe somebody we don't know much about.

  2. the Texas T-rex smokes?

  3. For what it is worth, Gyllenhall is a smoker, and Jackman used to but says he quit.

  4. Bradley Cooper smokes cigars. is he still A+?

  5. Is Jake A+ though?

  6. I'm confused if the boyfriend was in the shower or on the balcony. And if the maintenance guy didn't realize what he saw, why would he mention it to a co-worker in the break room? I may need a entranslator for this

    1. There should be an Ent-translater app.

    2. Yes, it appears as though the modifiers weren’t the only things dangling in this particular situation...

  7. @Don Kieballs - the boyfriend was the one in the shower and the A+ lister was on the balcony having a smoke. If the maintenance man saw a man in the shower and then saw the famous person on the balcony, I'm sure he would have said something like "Hey! Guess who I just saw??!" and whomever he repeated this story to took it from there.

  8. Thia - Thank you. I don't know why I couldn't process this blind.

  9. LOL. It happens. The earlier blind from today about the movie that took 20 years to come out on VHS - that blind hurt my face. LOL. I gave up and just read the comments. :)

  10. My 2 Cents: SAG and AFTRA are merging or have merged into one union. There must be in excess of 100,000 members more or less. Why do we always answer the blinds with the same names over and over and over? Yes, the names change over time and some of the A's become C's and D's. Some just slide right off the page into blind oblivion.

    Enty needs to publish a book that lists of all the gay and lesbian actors, married but cheaters, secret baby daddies, moms in the closet. That way we can take one from column A and two from Column B like you do when you eat Chinese. It would brighten up some of the same old, same old names. Just a suggestion. Talk about a sell out on Amazon!

  11. Leo DiCaprio at Art Basel last week.

  12. +1 Tricia13

    Seems we see the same names as the same people date the same 17 people out in Hollyweird.

    1. Hollyweird is stranger than fiction and as vacant as a hotel run by Tony Perkins😰

  13. +1 Trifcia13

    No way Cooper is A+ at the point. Leo, though, is soooo deep in the closet with all his model beards...

    1. It’s an open secret many places he goes... Art Basel is definitely one..love your avi !

    2. Does he have some sort of contract with Victoria’s Secret for beards then? Also, are you actually Enty? You are amazing on your guesses and I bow to you.

  14. zac Efron saw a picture of him getting off plane

    1. I've met Zac Efron, and not only did he not strike me as gay, he was with a beautiful young woman. And he wasn't at some public event but was in a restaurant, in the back by the private room we were in, hat pulled down on his head not attracting attention, no papparazzi anywhere. So unlike Leo Dicaprio, he wasn't "spotted" with a beautiful young female, but seemed to be on an actual date with one.

  15. Ciggies aren’t the only things these guys smoke

  16. Please be Leo! I don't know if he smokes cigarettes though.

  17. Leo has used an e-cig for many years replacing cigarettes, but does enty consider that 'smoking' the same as using an e-cig? a lot of people just casually call it vaping since its just a vaporizer.

    if it is Leo, I think it was Lukas in the shower and this was at Art Basel, maybe?

    I mean this may be stretching it but how did the maintenance man know it was his boyfriend - couldnt it have looked like it was a male friend using the shower? unless he walked in on them banging, which this blind says he didnt.

  18. What kind of a (presumably) 5 star hotel hosting an A+ list celebrity just sends a maintenance man to his suite without making a courtesy call requesting permission in advance? smh

  19. If this IS Leo, which I doubt, it would be the first time I've found him interesting since...maybe Gilbert Grape? By which I mean, if he's closeted, and not actually a man child who onoy dates blonde models in their early 20s and jettisons them once they turn 25, then my whole opinion of him would change. As it is, though, I do believe he really is a bloated, middle aged man child who only dates -25 year old models.

    Also, I don't actually have a guess here, I just saw the Leo guesses and wanted to take the opportunity to shit on him.

  20. Is Leo known for anything other than movies? The blind says "mostly movie actor" which I read as including something in addition to movies.

  21. BCC, Leo was on Growing Pains.

  22. Jesus, I REALLY drank the cool aid. Leo DiCaprio is GAY???? And dating Lukas Haas??

    The power of PR.... I completely missed that!
