Friday, December 22, 2017

Blind Item #11

I guess this A- list actor who killed a potential franchise all by himself while avoiding that other franchise he wanted no part of is finished with his long time girlfriend. Perhaps the fact she was still married after all these years was the final straw or perhaps it was the former tween actress turned A- list adult singer who orally serviced him in the Beverly Center parking garage that made him finally see the light.


  1. Charlie's single now? Where do I sign up?

  2. Wait who's the former twee actress??

  3. Charlie Hunnam & his weird-faced gf .

    hmm...former tween actress turned A- adult-singer!? who is it. somebody help me out with the guess, I havent had enough coffee yet.

    also, happy holidays to everybody!

  4. Oooh, and Demi for the former tween.

  5. Isn't Hunnam foreign-born?

  6. He was on Queer as Folk UK (100% respect for not being scared of "playing gay" to start his career) and hanging out with Demi. I see no bad there.

  7. Was the servicing during or after construction hours at the Bev Center? Not that it matters that much, there's a bunch of semi hidden parking spaces for activities.

  8. Watch "Gren Street Hooligans" where Charlie played a football thug, was before Queer as Folk. Brilliant movie!

  9. I have heard Demi Lovato was a vicious bully in childhood and now pretends to be a victim of bullying. Loathsome girl.

    "it was the former tween actress turned A- list adult singer who orally serviced him in the Beverly Center parking garage"

    And now I have an even lower opinion of her.

  10. Who the fuck goes to the Beverly Center?!? This ain’t the 80s and I don’t give a fuck HOW many multi-million $$$ renovations it goes through, that place is a big NOPE. Like the cute chick in the OC described Chino in the pilot - “EWWWWWWW”.

  11. @Drumstixx
    Green Street Hooligans 2005
    Queer as Folk 1999
    So no it wasnt out first.

  12. Did he dump her or is he just ghosting her again, and will go back to her when the grass is no longer greener on the other side. And she will take him back. What else has she got to do.

  13. Charlie Hunnam is NOT A list that was on the reasons King Arthur BOMBED! He is a successful TV actor but he is not a leading man movie star type of actor. I think Charlie is a solid B in Hollywood he is known and handsome. But A list he is definitely not. I believe one of the problems about this guy he does NOT connect well to audiences. He seems very uncomfortable and nervous in interviews. I do not know who his publicist is but in America unfortunately Americans are very superficial people. They want their stars to be friendly it is not about the art or acting.

    1. I don’t need my stars to be friendly. Meow

  14. I’d say there were a fuck sight more issues with King Arthur than Charlie Hummam, ”Guy Ritchie directs” told me all I needed to know. I didn’t want a cod-Cockney telling me cod-history through the medium of punch-up codology!!

  15. @rowenthal my bad I did not know that! I was going on memory and did not fact check first. It was a brilliant movie!

  16. Hard to blame him.
    She’s attractive...and a thickem’.
    Lookin like a woman should. What’s not to like.
