Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Blind Item #1

This A list celebrity host keeps on talking a good game, but until he stops cheating on his celebrity girlfriend with the former A- list mostly television actress, it is all talk.


  1. Ryan seacrest / GF Shayna Taylor / Teri Hatcher

  2. Nick Cannon/Lanisha Cole? (She is a beauty queen I think).. and Naya Rivera maybe

  3. Anthony Bourdain, Asia Argento, Ashley Judd

  4. If Anthony Bourdain, I'd say Rose McGowan instead of Ashley Judd. I hope it's not them though, that would be sad and ugly :(

  5. @GrumpyOldCatLady,this is who it sounds like,though, maybe she knows? Or maybe another rumor to discredit them.

  6. I'm awful, but hoping it's that sanctimonious former chef. He talks a lot about what men could have done, but I can't find any record of his pre-HW-exposure statements. He knew, too.

    1. I can't stand Bordain either. Sanctimonious is the perfect word.

  7. Yea I'm pretty sure enty has alluded to bourdain and mcgowan before. Between those two women, sort of starts looking like he prefers them with a bit of damage, and that might say something about him m. I used to revere him (10+ years) but the shine is wearing off.

  8. Are you guys saying that cheating is the same as sexual harassment?

  9. i would say AA and AB and somebody

  10. @katsm0711 Cheating is not a crime, but ugly nonetheless, and disrespectful, and not coherent and hypocritical from someone pretending to be one of the good guys.

  11. This is giving me major Bourdain vibes. I'm about ready to burn all of my boks of his and Mario Batali's. I don't know why I'm not buying what Bourdain is selling from his pedastal right now. But something is just ringing untrue for me. I wish his ex wives would spill on him.

  12. Oh Rafael I hope you were trying to be funny......

  13. Back in the early 2000s I literally ran into Mr. Bourdain next to the Port Authority Bldg. one afternoon. I whipped around and said, "Oh, Mr. Bourdain?! He turned around, "Yes." He stood on the sidewalk for 20 minutes while I went on and on about how I loved his book on Typhoid Mary, how well it was researched and written. He said, "If you had praised any of my other books I would be delighted. But this one! You really ARE a fan! Thank you so, so much!" I never forgot that. He was so nice. When I told my best friend why I was late she had steam coming out her ears. "He couldn't wait ten damn minutes for ME to be with you!" God always loved me best!

    1. Good GOD. He really did write a book on typhoid: 😐

  14. Is this what Harvey Levin has on her?

  15. @BayAreaGirl I thought the same thing - saw that tweet last night.
