Thursday, December 14, 2017

Blind Item #1

Over the next couple of weeks, several groups and one very large company is going to come down hard on this film/documentary maker. With his recent mea culpa, he inadvertently admitted his headline making documentary was not real and not accurate. He lied about the basic premise of it and now is going to feel the heat about that project and others. 


  1. Will McD really go after him, 13 years after the documentary came out?

  2. So McDonalds really made him thin?

  3. Michael Moore. I hope it's not him though.

    1. It's not, it's Spurlock, who wrote a big preemptive thing published this week about how he's paid a woman to settle a suit, been accused of rape, and has been living in fear he'll be the next whose name is splashed in headlines.

  4. Funny how Spurlock in that blog post uses verbatim the words of Louis CK: "I'm ready to listen". I am not sure who is more intellectual dishonest, but I venture to say Spurlock.

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  8. I just read the apology letter or whatever it is. I don't see much discussion of Spurlock's work, let alone anything that indicates his work was fabricated. What am I missing?

  9. Blogger Mark said...
    Admission: I have never seen any of either Morgan Spurlock's or Michael Moore's work. Spurlock was a guess, based on his mea culpa (yesterday?). @mmdavisonmichigan -- Flint, my ass! -- being exposed for duplicity would not bother me.

    @ancoranonhocapito, and "alcohol." I haven't been sober a full week very often in the last 25 years or so, but I'm not concerned about being #metoo'd. Unless my wife decides to go to the DA over wake-up sex ... but she laughed when I suggested that recently ... but, no, I am worried about that, really.

    Do I need a lawyer now?

  10. Morgan Spurlock
    Since he admitted to not being sober for any length of time for many years (including when he filmed Supersize Me) that would make the "facts" he presented in the movie false. He supposedly only ate and drank McDonald's while making the documentary. Last time I checked, McDonald's doesn't serve alcohol. Although they should...

  11. @Joshua,- That all the medical testing and results indicating McDonald's was bad for your health would be invalid , and highly suspect as a cause of his poor health. Due to the fact of Spurlock's alcohol intake, and unmentioned alcoholism to the Doctor. Medically speaking, it nullifies anything and everything proposed in the film.

  12. Spurlock was in the news last night for his admission of being unfaithful to each of his wife & GFs as well as paying off a woman for rape and harassment allegations. Nothing was mentioned about his work. I think Michael Moore would be more shocking. He has more heavy hitting documentaries than Spurlocks one on McDonalds.

  13. Spurlock stated that he has not been sober for a whole week since the age of 13. McD may have an issue with that considering his documentary did not disclose his alcohol intake when counting his calories and food intake for the show. Basically the document was BS.

  14. I meant the documentary is BS

    1. Well the numbers never did add up -- people/reporters have tried and failed to get his precise meal records. The amount of weight he gained far surpassed calculations of what super-sizing even the most caloric meal at McDonald's for every meal would have led to.

  15. Ah, thanks guys. That makes sense.

  16. Spurlock also made a terrible One Direction exploitation movie. Will he apologize for that, too?

  17. "Spurlock stated that he has not been sober for a whole week since the age of 13."

    How do people function?!! That to me, is CRAZY. I know there are "functioning alcoholics" but but .... but -- has not been sober for a full week since age 13 -- is insane!!
    My heart breaks for their liver.

  18. The inadvertent admission is the drinking. If he hasn't been sober for a whole week, that means he was drinking the entire 30 days of Super Size Me, and he didn't disclose those calories.

    And hell yes McDonalds will go after him. It's also just as likely that the lawsuit is for his recently debuted sequel, where he goes after the chicken industry, and Tyson might be about to crawl up his ass.

  19. What Daily Union says makes sense. The only thing I would add is that 'sober' is a relative term, at least in some circles. Like, if Morgan Spurlock has attempted to completely abstain from substance abuse at some point in his, what, 30-year career of usage, (especially if he was involved in some sort of 12-step, group therapy thing), then, depending on how hardcore he was, one might say that even having one beer would constitute a loss/lack of sobriety. Or, even one toke on a joint. Therefore, it doesn't necessarily follow that he has been a drunken mess once every week since he was thirteen. It could mean anything from one glass of wine a week to shooting up every day for a year, technically. Regarding McDonald's and alcohol, yes, they do serve beer in at least England and France so maybe there's some technicality that he could point out if the Golden Arches tries to bring the hammer down. Just my two cents.

  20. Tom Naughton showed that Spurlock's numbers didn't add up in his own documentary, Fat Head, almost a decade ago. It's a pretty good show in its own right, exposing a lot of the nonsense we've been taught by the nutrition and processed food industries. Funny too.

  21. I don't think him drinking disproves that McDonald's food is basically crap. There was a lot of other information in that movie aside from his weight gain. And even if you don't gain weight, Big Macs and fries multiple times a day, on top of their greasy breakfasts, is going to have negative effects on your body in other ways.

    McDonald's ought to leave well enough alone. Especially after The Founder.

  22. One thing that always stuck with me in Supersize me was the damage that was being done to his liver. His doctor even noted that eating McDonald's was damaging his liver like an alcoholic. I guess he didn't tell his doctor either.

  23. @sunny: there are so many factors we don't know. I am not discounting that his boozing would contribute to fucking up his liver panels, but we have no idea the extend he was boozing (as was mentioned earlier in the comments).

    If he was going for blackout drunk every night, or even half the month...yeah. That will fuck up his liver a little faster. But, some people have more susceptibility to liver issues than other, hence why non drinkers can also get cirrhosis.

    I'm sure we will find out, in due time. This is a nice change from all the pedo/sex assault drama we have been inundated with....

    1. You're right, we don't know how much he was drinking while filming. But, he was making a claim that McDonald's was doing all of this damage to his body, while secretly drinking, which also could have been what was damaging it. It makes his claims carry less weight since we don't know what was the contributing factor.

    2. @asstronaut I know! Imagine all the pedo/sex assault stuff women, men and kids have to deal with daily. :/

  24. @Glue, it's genetics. You should meet my father-in-law. He used to drink 6 double-martini's a day and is a self-made multi-millionaire. Now that he's in his late 70's, he's cut back to 2 martini's/day plus many beers--to hydrate ;) Granted, he's a pretty funny drunk.

  25. There was a scene in Super Size Me where he threw up after eating bc he said the food made him sick. If I'm remembering correctly it was breakfast. Maybe he was hungover?

  26. Did Spurlock spwcify that it was booze, not weed or drugs?

  27. @Beth, opiates are pretty bad for your liver & kidneys too.

  28. Definitely the Spurlock;

  29. I would say keep the alcohol to a minimum, and totally boycott both McDonalds and Morgan Spurlock.

  30. This has to be Micheal Moore, he lies in his docs all the time. Fyi there IS a Romanian Army!

  31. It's Spurlock. Him 'coming clean' yesterday about his cheating and college accusations are a Spacey-esque excuse/apology.

    His true headline-making doc, Super Size Me was riddled with omissions and absolutely blatant lies and inaccuracies. Many docs since then, along with research papers and good articles have debunked a lot of what was stated in the film and cast doubt over some other piece he's made as well

  32. Hope he finds a new line of work because now we can't believe anything he says.

  33. Funny how often I say it around here but maybe it's more indicative of the type of people that are blind-worthy...but never liked the guy. I remember watching in college (yes this makes me old 😂) and he just came off as so smug. Ew

  34. @ Joseph P Blow, Kokomo PD, Nitpick, but they don't serve alcohol in McDonald's in England.
