Friday, December 08, 2017

Blind Item #3

I wrote about this foreign born A- list mostly television actor yesterday. The one who has played the ever changing role. Anyway, one of his favorite ways to cheat on his actress girlfriend is to throw out names of actresses in public and social media. If they get in touch, then he sets up a lunch or dinner. He thinks because he is being so open about the meetings that no one knows he is cheating. Apparently he has been much more aggressive lately at these meetings to the point where he just meets them for coffee and after five minutes suggests they go have sex. If they say no, he just leaves.


  1. Matt Smith again I guess

  2. Matt Smith and Lily James

  3. Man, it's a shame it's Matt Smith.

  4. What about a Dr. Who actor

  5. Just did a google image search to get a load of the main players in this little intrigue. Man, Lily James...cute girl, but does she get dressed by an upholsterer?

  6. Had to google these two...had no idea who they were.

  7. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Wow that's how easy it is. Ask for sex after 5 minutes. My dad really let me down with the life wisdom.

  8. Hmm... guess I'll have to start eavesdropping when he pops in to the local pub again. Dick.

  9. Jeez, what an awful dude.

  10. Sounds like Matt Smith. Really truly hope it’s not true. Have always loved him and David Tennant.

  11. So I’ve been thinking about this blind for a bit as I am a huge Doctor Who fan for many many years. It really does sound like Matt Smith which is very disappointing to me but it could also actually be David Tennant. Both her play the iconic ever changing role of the doctor on Doctor Who. Both are not married to their significant others. Both are actively on TV shows done by Netflix right now. Tenant is on Jessica Jones as well as broad church which is a BBC show. Smith on the other hand is on the crown which dropped its second season today. So Smith does seem a logical choice but tenant does fit the parameters of this blind as well.
    PS it saddens me when a character actor that you fall in love with is nowhere near that in real life.

  12. Matt Smith ain't no prized pig at the fair. He should be grateful he has Lily Collins.

  13. Can't be Tennant, the blind says he's cheating on his girlfriend. David Tennant is married.

  14. Smith has always creeped me out. It’s the slightly sneery thick-lipped smile. On the Radio 1 breakfast show in the UK they consistently play a clip of him saying “What’s cooking, good-looking” and the tone is A1 perv.

  15. It's Smith. He's always been lecherous. I've lurked here without commenting for quite awhile, however, this is total bullshit. He's a massive douche. I've been around him multiple times and every.single.time he's been a total douche and a lecherous dick.

  16. Yuck. MSmith has small beady eyes
