Monday, December 25, 2017

Blind Item #4

This supporting act from a now defunct very hit pay cable show that is iconic, pulled the ultimate "rat" move by disclosing information, ignoring his NDA, throwing fellow cast under the bus, and ultimately sending the show's creator into a ballistic tirade. The entire cast really were a "family" and acted as such, but this actor thought he was bigger than he was. He demanded his own trailer, posters made of his face (none of which he got) and made huge demands. To top it all off, with the known secrecy demanded, which all the cast was in alignment with, he brought onto a 'closed" secretive set, a known gossip columnist and Mafia princess. In turn he was thrown off the set, written off the show in the most ridiculous way and has really not been heard from since. The rest of the cast, including the shows creator cannot stand him. Recently however, he made his directorial debut, and none of the other cast from the past show showed up to support him. His directorial debut bombed and was awful.


  1. Someone from The Sopranos-who was killed off?

  2. Michael Imperaolli?

  3. Federico Castelluccio

  4. It’s Vinny Pastore...
    I know him and he’s a douche

    1. And David Chase

    2. I have friends /family who hired him
      For films and he pulled no shows... then he tried to sue for his salary.... he directs off off broadway in Nyc and Nyack,NY

    3. He didn’t direct anything

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Vincent Pastore is indeed a jackass BUT he hasn't directed anything that I can tell. Also, his death on The Sopranos was entirely logical and Vince reappeared in every season afterwards in Tony's dreams and fantasies. If Chase and the cast truly despised him I doubt he would have been so frequently asked back.

    The one actor who seemed to be shunned from The Sopranos was Al Sapienza, who played Mikey Palmice in the Season One. He was killed off rather abruptly before his storyline seemed finished though his death scene set the tone for all Sopranos deaths thereafter.

  7. Michael Pitt
    Rumored to be difficult to work with and was killed off abruptly in Boardwalk Empire.
    Directed a short in 2015.

  8. Federico Castelluccio is the only name that fits.
    Almost no cast member has directed any movie, including Pastore or Imperioli.

    Castelluccio played Furio, the henchman that Tony recruited from his cousin when he spent time in Sicily. Furio was noticeable for his ponytail and the fact that Carmela Soprano fantasized on him. When Tony heard about it, he was brutally fired and supposedly returned to Sicily, never to be heard of again. He wasn't even killed onscreen...
    The romance with Carmela never resulted in anything really interesting, apart from being the reason for Carmela to leave Tony.
    Castelluccio directed a feature film which was released last year.

    1. You might be right

  9. I think it's Michael Pitt. I don't think the creators planned to kill him off so soon but didn't have a choice. Same with Paz. She was a royal pain (great character) and they wrote her off too.

  10. Federico Castelluccio has been very busy since The Sopranos and directing since 2010. I admit, his exit from the show was weird as hell (gone back to Italy, bye!) Also, his 2016 feature film, The Brooklyn Banker, cast several ex-Sopranos actors so not all are aligned against him.

    His exit fits the bill though.

    I like the Michael Pitt guess for personal reasons only - because he is such a shitty actor and not a great person either.

  11. Paz was a Harvey victim and I wonder about all the talk about certain actresses being difficult. Was she messed up because of it or was it made up because of it?

    1. I wonder what happened to alot of young actresses that made 3-4 good movies, and then faded away. Were they sexually abused and traumatised?

  12. I think it was Joe Pantoliano. Hes bemoaning in articles on how difficult it is being a character actor.

    1. Most actors and production people say they have loved working with "Joey Pants." Crazy guy but gives his roles everything he's got.

  13. @Appalachian Mothersauce

    Good find! I wonder if the contract between Castelluccio and the agent stipulated payment upon sale of the art or if he was hired on the basis of his work. Castelluccio could be trying to take advantage of the current use of art sales for money laundering, too.

    Thanks for finding this!

  14. Joey Pants LOVED his death on The Sopranos! It was the most mordant, fuckt up, death in all seven seasons. Joey begged for a big ugly death and he got it.

    Sorry, I was very into the show at the time, if you can't tell.

    1. Lol its good to have someone so knowledgeable.

  15. Definitely Furio

    1. They mentioned he was dating a gossip columnist that he was feeding information to.

  16. @plot - good call. The art world has major issues right now with money laundering. Christie's Sotheby's,a s well as blue Chip Galleries hire intermediate private agents to broker transactions from many weapons trafficking cartels. Auction houses only need to report yearly, not quarterly. Many major loopholes in art laws written ages ago. Not sure about Castelluccio though - he hasn't done much really outside directing a few shorts and acting in some ultra low budgt productions.

  17. This article was about him not paying the pr firm that he hired to promote the painting. He claimed he didn't have the money but he's also buying more art. Hes a sleeve.

  18. I'm looking for previous girlfriends of our Furio but they all seem to be actresses. That doesn't mean anything though. At the height of The Sopranos Furio fever, he could have dated a lot of women.

    @Spider Rico

    Yep, the art world is such a racket right now, up there with real estate. Forgeries are being passed off as originals that are "donated" to museums for tax breaks. Forgeries are being sold so debtors and owners can legitimize dirty money. True masterpieces are being hidden in banks as currency. There probably isn't a book large enough to blow the top off this particular scam, but it started in the 80s.


      Its Furio

  19. Gossip writer and Mafia Princess was Victoria Gotti.

  20. Was it Joseph R. Gannascoli?

    I recall hearing how he did NOT get along with James Gandolfini and was kinda a jackass after he died by giving interviews that were considered "off limits" by the cast.

    He is also the only death in the series that I would consider written off then show "in the most ridiculous way".

    I could be wrong, and if I am, I apologize for spreading gossip online.

  21. @Boo Hearne

    Bam! There it is. Yep, on the Federico Castelluccio train now.

  22. Douche status aside, from the looks of that article Federico's a heck of a painter. Stupid ridiculously multi talented hollywood crowd.

  23. So, what is Castelluccios directorial debut?

  24. Furio fled back to Italy. Tony wanted to get a hold of him but as far as I can recall he never did.

  25. Furio’s departure was badly scripted I find. They were so quick to get rid of him.

  26. Just to add that there's no way it's Michael Pitt because Boardwalk Empire was in no way "iconic", whereas "Sopranos" is about as iconic as it gets.

  27. Michael Pitts death on BE was not ridiculous. Can’t be him. This sounds like the Downton Abbey guy.

  28. Good guess laundryroom - did he direct anything?

  29. Just looked it up. Dan Stevens, of sudden stupid death on Downton Abbey, has not directed anything. Damn. That leaves me with Ol' Furio still top choice.

  30. Pretty sure it’s Micheal imperioli. His recent series was a complete bomb. He was someone who could be on posters and his death was sudden. Furio went back to Italy he wasn’t killed off

  31. No way this is Joey Pants. He's a teddy bear.

  32. I’m gonna agree with the MichAel Pitts guess only because his death was totallly shocking and unexpected to me, he was the STAR along with Nucky. I don’t know anything about him so this is just a guess. Boardwalk Empire was in iconic series, not as iconic as the Sopranos which in my opinion is the best pay cable series ever. As far as the Furio guesses, I hated the character, the actor and that whole storyline, made no sense to me and was glad to see him go.

  33. Wow, googling the supporting cast of Sopranos shows that many of these guys were playing themselves. Lot's of two-bit attempts for attention that alienated them from a great core cast of established folks. The guy who played Big Pussy, the guy who played fat Vito, and one guy who wound up in jail for nearly a decade? Geez!

  34. Yes, a chunk of The Sopranos cast was connected, so to speak. There were stories coming out at the time of NJ and NYC mobsters begging Chase for roles in the show.

    The only made man (allegedly) in the series though was Tony Sirico who played Pauli Walnuts. He had it written into his contract that he wouldn't snitch or rat on anyone for the entire run of the series. Sirico seems to have known how blurred the lines between fact and fiction can become.

    Vincent Pastore, the guy who played Big Pussy, was in the club business for decades so absolutely he had ties but he seems to have kept it pretty casual.

    The guy who did prison time, Lillo Brancato, killed a cop (accidentally it looks like, but still) after his role on The Sopranos ended. Not defending a cop killer but Brancato seems to have had a sad life and an inability to distinguish fiction and reality himself. I think this also plagues the actor who played Tony's son on the series.
